Chapter 2

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 Lynn and Jenna don't talk on the way to the apartment as Jenna is looking around at the people and buildings around her. Lynn is in deep tought as she is walking a beautiful actress to her apartment she agreed to stay in for the next week. Lynn opens the door for the building and let's Jenna go through first as she holds the door open. Then she walks up to her apartment and opens the door. "Make yourself at home!" Lynn says with a smile as she takes of her shoes and hangs up her coat. Jenna puts down her suitcase in the small hallway and looks around at the apartment with a smile. "This looks lovely Lynn." Lynn walks further into the living room in front of Jenna and turns around to look at her. "So, do you want the bed? I can just sleep on the couch for a little." Jenna follows Lynn and looks into her eyes. "Ehm yeah sure. That's nice." She says giving Lynn the slightest hint of disappointment. Lynn grabs two cups from one of the overhead counters and puts them on the counter. "Coffee?" Lynn asks with a sweet smile as she looks over to Jenna that is now sitting on the couch. "Yeah thank you." Jenna says as she returns the smile back to Lynn. Lynn then puts one of the cups under the cheap looking coffee machine, she presses a few buttons before the machine starts loudly grinding up some of the coffee beans and a little later the coffee pours into the cup.

As soon as the machine stops making noise Lynn grabs the cup now full of coffee and brings it over to Jenna who grabs it with two hands while giving Lynn a nod to say thank you. Lynn makes a cup for herself and then sits down next to Jenna before taking a sip. "So you said you just came here recently." Lynn puts the cup on the small table in front of them and turns a bit further to Jenna. "Yes I did. I landed early in the morning around 1 somewhere." Jenna now also turns a bit more to talk to Lynn. "Didn't you sleep then?" Lynn asks sounding slightly worried. "I did but not a lot, I slept on the plane but not for long." Jenna responds. "Well I hope you can get some sleep tonight then, is there anything I could do to help?" Lynn asks. "I mean there is this one thing- but never mind about that I'll be fine trust me." Jenna blushes a bit but enough for Lynn to notice. "Ok then." Lynn says a bit suspicious. "So why aren't you celebrating new years with your family then?" Jenna asks. "Well the thing is it's just me and my mom. My dad died when I was still young due to an accident." Lynn says clearly still upset about it even though she tries to hide it. "And my mom made some other plans with some of her friends this year." Lynn finishes. Jenna looks a bit shocked at Lynn. "Oh im so sorry for your loss." Jenna says trying to comfort Lynn. "Thank you thats nice. But yeah, I really tought it was gonna be a lonely new year's eve but then you showed up." Lynn says back to sounding as her normal cheery self again. "Well, im glad I did. Of course, I don't fully know you but I can tell you're a kind person and I would like to learn more about you." Jenna says with her soft and sweet voice. "So isn't there a boyfriend or girlfriend thats available?" Jenna asks a bit shy. Lynn giggles sweetly, "unfortunately not no, but both would be nice of course." Lynn smiles and starts telling Jenna more things about her personality and her life.

After Lynn is pretty much done talking about her life, she asks Jenna about hers, Jenna complies and starts talking about her personal life and about the acting jobs she has done. They talk until day starts to turn into night. They both are now laughing about stupid and embarrassing things they have done when they were younger. "Oh wow have we really been talking for so long?" Lynn asks with a giggle as she looks at the clock behind Jenna. Jenna rubs her belly with a giggle "thats probally why im so hungry." Lynn turns back to Jenna and realises she is also pretty hungry but she hasn't noticed before because she was having such a good time talking to Jenna. "I could eat too, wanna order something?" Lynn asks as she grabs her phone. "How about some sushi?" Lynn suggests as she scrolls trough the many options. "Sounds perfect to me." Jenna says before giving her order to Lynn, Lynn then puts in her own order and orders the food.

They talk a little more until the food arrives, Lynn answers the door and takes the food. She hands Jenna the bag who then takes the black plastic trays with sushi out of the big bag while Lynn walks over to the kitchen. "Wine?" Lynn asks as she holds an bottle up to show Jenna. "That would be nice." Jenna says from the couch as she takes all the lids off and puts the sushi on the table. Lynn pours to glasses and brings them over to Jenna, she hands her one before sitting down next to her. "To a great new friendship!" Lynn says as she raises her glass in the air. "To a great new friendship." Jenna repeats with a wide smile. They both laugh and take a sip before putting their glasses down and both picking up a piece of sushi. Jenna stuffs a little too big piece of sushi in her mouth making her cheeks bulge, as Lynn sees this, she starts loudly laughing almost chocking on the sushi she was eating herself. Jenna starts laughing too trying to eat the sushi.

When her mouth is finally empty they both start laughing out loud- not really for a reason but Lynn just laughs at Jenna who is blushing red with embarrassment. It takes them about ten minutes to fully stop laughing, they finish their food not long after and are now sitting on the couch drinking their wine.

"So now that that's done- do you wanna watch a movie?" Lynn asks after taking another sip from her wine. "Sounds good, what do you have?" Jenna asks. "What do you want?" Lynn counters. "How about we watch a horror movie?" Jenna asks with a grin. "My favorite is Prom Night, I don't know if you know it." Lynn thinks for a second before grabbing the remote. "I think I have seen it pass by a few times but i've never seen it." she says as she scrolls trough some films. "Trust me you'll love it." Jenna says exited. Lynn finds the movie and selects it before grabbing a blanket from the armrest of the couch. Jenna moves in a little closer until her leg is inches away from Lynn's so they can both fit underneath the blanket. Lynn throws the blanket over them both and make sure they both have enough room. As they watch the movie Lynn screams at almost every slightly scary thing, Jenna laughs throughout most of the movie but mostly because she sees how over the top Lynn is reacting. During the movie Lynn moves closer each time she gets scared until Jenna puts an arm around Lynn to try and sort of comfort her, a little later Lynn puts her head on Jenna's shoulder feeling a lot better when she is close. They finish watching the movie, but they watch the credits because they both really like the way they're sitting together but don't really want to admit it. After the credits also end it's almost 11 already. Jenna let's out a deep yawn and Lynn follows making them both giggle. "well I guess it's time to show you your bed for the week." Lynn says as she stands reluctantly stands up, Jenna also stands up and follows Lynn as she walks to her bedroom.

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