Chapter 43

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After wandering around the airport for a while, Lynn and Jenna decide to head to the gate to wait for the plane. "So, are you nervous?" Jenna asks as they sit down. The gate is already filled with people but they were lucky enough to find two seats together. "Yeah, Yeah I'm very nervous." Lynn plays with her hair as she looks outside at the planes. "I've never been scared of flying but now. Phew." "Hey, I promise you than nothing will happen. It's best to try and fall asleep during the flight, then it will be over just like that." Jenna slowly puts her hand onto Lynn's. "Thanks, I'll try." Lynn smiles. A few minutes later they get called for boarding. Lynn looks out the window at the plane with a nervous look, she then feels Jenna's hand intertwine with hers. They scan their boarding passes and continue to the plane. 

The cold night air gives Lynn chills as they step into the plane. "Here we are, You can take the window seat if you want to." Jenna sweetly says as she stows her luggage. "No, that's okay. You can take it." Lynn waits for Jenna to sit down and sits down next to her. The plane slowly fills up with people but Lynn and Jenna get to sit alone which honestly was really good news to Lynn. Lynn closely watches the safety video to check if she still remembers it all while Jenna already has one ear bud in and is looking out the window. Lynn fastens her seatbelt as they leave the gate towards the taxi lane. "Are you ready?" Jenna asks softly as she puts her hand on Lynn's. "Yeah I think so, I'm excited to come with you to LA. It's just that it's a sort of first so I'm nervous, but in a good way." Lynn smiles. Jenna gives her a sweet smile back before they taxi onto the runway. Lynn grabs Jenna's hand tightly as the engines start roaring, a few seconds later Lynn is being shot back into her seat as she sees the light of the airport pass by the window. Lynn takes a few deep breaths before she feels the plane take off. "Here we go." Jenna smiles. Lynn chuckles out of nervous relief and smiles back at Jenna. "So what do you plan on doing now?" Jenna asks. "I wanted to try to go to sleep but I think I need a little getting used to this before I manage. But I actually started downloading a series while we were waiting." Lynn says as she gets her phone out of her pocket. She opens up Netflix and goes to her downloads. "What is it then?" Jenna asks trying to sneak a peek. Lynn grins widely and turns her phone. "Wednesday! I heard that this one kind of popular actress was in it so I decided to give it a try." Lynn continues to grin at Jenna who is just staring at Lynn's phone. "God I hate you." Jenna chuckles a little with her mouth hanging open. "No you don't." Lynn laughs bumping against Jenna. "You really downloaded that to watch, out of anything you picked that!?" Jenna still looks shocked but has a smile on her face that Lynn loves. "Yes I did, wanna watch it with me? It'll be fun I promise!" Lynn pleads. "Okay fine, maybe I could tell you about some behind the scenes stuff as we watch." Jenna takes out her ear bud and puts in the one Lynn hands to her. She plugs it in and presses play. "I would love that, just like I love you." Lynn smiles. Jenna keeps looking at the screen as she slightly blushes. "Shut up Lynn."

A little while into the series, with Lynn watching carefully and Jenna going from cringing about herself to explaining in great detail how the scenes were done. "I still can't get over that stare you do, it's so scary." Lynn says. "Yeah it was pretty tricky to learn and keep the stare but I was thought to sort of look through my eyebrows." Jenna tilts her head down and then her face shifts into a blank, dead stare. Lynn gets chills as she sees the actual stare like this. It almost scares her yet she is amazed. "That is awesome! I want to try it." Lynn pauses the episode and tries to do as Jenna said. Once she tries it, Jenna bursts out laughing. "You look ridiculous!" Jenna laughs. Seeing Jenna laugh makes Lynn laugh too. "Shut up!" they both laugh trying to keep quiet by holding their hands over their mouth, each time their eyes meet they have to try their hardest not to laugh again. After they are finally able to calm down again, Lynn presses play again. They continue to watch the episode while Lynn tries to secretly do the stare, eventually she just gives up and continues to listen to Jenna rambling about the production. "You know, I should take you some time. Maybe if when we shoot the second season." Jenna says. "Oh my god you're kidding. There will be a second season? And you're inviting me!?" "I am not really meant to talk about it but they're planning on it. I'd love for you to see me in action and experience the behind the scenes." "Yes, a hundred times yes. I'd love that." Lynn quickly embraces Jenna before they turn back to the episode.

They watch multiple episodes on Lynn's phone before Lynn realises Jenna fell asleep. She slowly takes her ear bud out and puts them in herself. Lynn reclines her seat and looks at Jenna, again wondering how she was lucky enough to become this beautiful and amazing girl's girlfriend. She wonders if she is good enough for her, if it's fair that Jenna has to settle for a girl like Lynn. Then again, Jenna was the first to fall in love, she sat with Lynn because Jenna thought she looked cute. Jenna loved her, she still does but she loved Lynn before Lynn even realized she liked Jenna. "I love you Jenna, so much I'm still figuring out new ways to love you. You make me feel loved and I want to make you feel the love you deserve." Lynn whispers before giving Jenna a peck on her cheek. Lynn leans back and turns on some music, the loud sound of the passing wind and the roaring engines is tuned out by the calming music that Lynn loves. Lynn closes her eyes and tries to think about LA. About what it will be like and what they will do. With the thoughts of the upcoming week Lynn dozes off to sleep.

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