Chapter 13

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"Just forget about it! Why is it so hard!" Lynn tells herself, for some reason she still can't get that stupid kiss out of her head, she just wants to forget about it all together, but she can't. It's driving her insane! "Maybe if we do something else I can get distracted for a while." Lynn mumbles as she rubs her templates. "Talking to yourself again?" Jenna chuckles as she walks into the room, Lynn looks up and she tries her hardest to not think about the kiss. "Yeah, you know me. I was just thinking about.... about how I am pretty stressed you know." Lynn makes something up on the spot but as she says it she realises that it's actually true, from the holidays to Jenna staying over. "Oh well I have the perfect thing!" Jenna says exited as Lynn can see an idea pop into her head. "I used to do a lot of yoga but recently I have had less time to. But why don't I teach you some moves?" Jenna asks. "Ehm- I don't know, I have never really been a 'yoga' person." Jenna says as she rubs the back of her neck. "You don't have to be! Just put some yoga pants on that plat ass and I'll teach you the ways." Jenna says exited, Lynn just tries to ignore her insult and give in to the idea of destressing for a minute. "Fine, I'll do some yoga." She says still a bit reluctant. "Get dressed then!" Jenna says in a stern tone, Lynn just rolls her eyes and walks to her room where she gets grey yoga pants she had stuffed somewhere in the back of her closet and a black tank top.

When she walks back into the living room Jenna has set up candles and some calming music. "My turn, I'll be back in just a minute so you can stretch or something." Jenna walks out of the room before Lynn has the change to respond. "Well this actually looks kind of peaceful so I can use this opportunity to make things normal again, or as normal as it can be with an superstar living with you." Lynn mumbles to herself as she starts doing a few stretching exercises. A few minutes later Jenna comes walking out in some pretty baggy black sweatpants and a very short pink top that almost look like a bra. "Well student, are you ready to learn?" Jenna jokes. "Yes I am miss Ortega." Lynn giggles while putting her hands together and bowing a little, Jenna also laughs and then walks over to stand in front of them. "Okay let's start with some basic poses," Jenna gets into a position, Lynn copies her with not too much trouble. "this pose is called the warrior pose, or technically the warrior II pose." Jenna says before leaning back and sticking her right hand into the air, Lynn follows and it's a bit harder to hold but she is able. Then Jenna leans forward and sticks her left hand into the air, Lynn follows again and for a second she closes her eyes and just listens to the calming music around them. "Okay next up is the downwards-facing dog." Jenna says calmly while getting onto the ground. Lynn has heard about it before but she still pays close attention to what Jenna does. Jenna puts both of her hands next to eachother in front of her while putting her feet also next to eachother behind her, she sticks her hips all the way into the air while keeping her head bowed down. Lynn struggles a bit with the pose because she can't quite get her head down and hips up in the right way, Jenna then stands up but before Lynn can follow Jenna grabs her hips and pulls them up and back slightly. "Like this see?" She then asks, Lynn can feel her form being way better making the pose easier too. "Okay yeah I get it, thanks." Lynn almost whispers, she doesn't mean to but due to the relaxing envoirment and the exercises she can't help but speak a bit more relaxed. "No problem." Jenna giggles softly before getting into another pose on the ground, she gets on her knees and leans back so her feet and ass are lined up, she then stretches her arms forward and lets her forehead hover right above the ground. "this one is called the Child's pose." Jenna mentions as Lynn carefully copies her pose. This one actually feels very pretty nice, it hurts a little on her knees but Lynn can ignore it. "From here we are going to move back into the Downwards dog." Jenna instructs before shifting back onto her feet and raising her hips into the air again. Lynn follows and this time it's a little bit easier to get into the position. "Okay lastly we will do the corpse pose, you just basically lay down on your back but it is one of the most relaxing poses because you don't need to really use any muscles." Jenna explains while laying down on the ground, she lets her feet fall to their sides and her arms alongside her torso with her palms facing the ceiling. Lynn also lies down and she immediately feels what Jenna meant, everything relaxes, even her face. Again she closes her eyes and lets herself feel the envoirment.

"I think that this was a first good session, why don't we get dressed into something less sporty and just watch some more movies and make dinner?" Jenna asks as she gets up, Lynn also gets up but still a bit slowly. "Yeah sounds good, and thanks again, this was way more relaxing than I tought." Lynn laughs. "No problem, that's what random actresses that move into your apartment for a week are for." Jenna laughs, Lynn laughs with her before walking to the room with Jenna behind her. "you can shower first, I'll go after dinner." Lynn says as she watches Jenna pick up a few clothes. "Sounds good to me, you better make something good tho." Jenna says pretending to be very serious. "Of course, I have a little idea to do something," Lynn says a bit mysterious. "But you will see that then, for now just take a nice shower." She finishes before walking away to the living room. Her idea is to have the two of them cooking together, or more like that she teaches Jenna how to cook. She grabs a few kitchen supplies and patiently waits for Jenna to come out of the shower. When she does come out of the shower she is wearing an oversized t-shirtwith even an more oversized pair of sweatpants. "Well student, are you ready tolearn?" Lynn smirks as Jenna enters the living room.

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