Chapter 53

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Eventually the both of them end up back at home, Jenna kicks of her shoes and walks to the kitchen. "Well I'm gonna try my hardest to make something edible, why don't you go relax okay? Just make sure to show me that new outfit before you go." Jenna winks. Lynn blushes and walks upstairs. "God she's terrible." Lynn laughs to herself. She throws her bag into Jenna's room, first taking out the necklace. Lynn admires it again, pondering when she should give Jenna it. She wants to do it when it would really mean something, a special moment to signify their relationship. Is she being weird? Ah it doesn't really matter to Lynn, nothing matters as much as Jenna. But for now it would be best to hide it. Lynn puts the small box with the necklace into her suitcase as she walks into Jenna's closet to change. Lynn didn't buy that bikini for nothing and Jenna's suggestion of using her sauna really doesn't sound that bad.

So Lynn changes into her new bikini, it feels a bit weird, but it doesn't look half bad. "Alright, bring out the dirty comments." Lynn says as she walks downstairs into the living room. As her eyes meet with Jenna's she is surprised. Jenna is just standing there, mouth open, and looking. "W- what? Is something wrong?" Lynn asks, she suddenly starts to doubt her choice, was it the wrong color? Did it just look bad on her? Did she look bad? " look amazing!" Jenna softly says. And like that all of Lynn's doubt is flushed away. And a warm, sweet feeling fills her body. "Awww, thank you." Lynn says while rubbing her neck. She looks up at Jenna who still hasn't moved. "Is something up?" Lynn asks nervously. "No, no it's just that. I never really stood still to fully admire your body like this. It's nice. You look nice. Who am I kidding you looking fucking beautiful." Jenna exclaims. Lynn blushes once again, and she tears up." She walks over to Jenna, trying not to cry. She quickly hugs her girlfriend. Embracing her tightly. "I love you Jenna, you're amazing." Lynn cries against Jenna's shoulder. "Yeah, yeah I know. You're not so bad yourself. Now go! I need some time to cook." Jenna smirks. "God, you can never keep a good moment." Lynn laughs, wiping away her tears. "Fine, I'll go. Just call me over when dinners ready." And with that Lynn walks outside, the air feels cool against her skin so she quickly walks over to Jenna's sauna. She has to figure out for a second how to turn the heat up but eventually she gets it. Piling a bunch of hot rocks into the center pit and splashing some water on them. And within a few minutes Lynn is already sweating. She leans back against the wall as she sits down onto the wooden bench. She feels a little less uncomfortable in the damp than back at the spa but she still has to focus her breathing.

After a few minutes of getting used to the sauna, it does eventually better. Lynn can finally relax, fully relax. She empties her mind and closes her eyes. She feels the heat of the room, the sweat forming on her body, her muscles relaxing and a smile appear on her face. She doesn't know why but she is smiling. Maybe it's just life, everything is going so well, she is with Jenna. All is perfect since she is with Jenna, but that does give Lynn another thought. What happens when it isn't perfect, what is going to happen to them when they get in a fight, or when something interferes with their relationship. Lynn quickly shakes the thoughts away. "No, Jenna and I love each other. If something tries to get in between us we won't let it. We'll get through it, together." Lynn softly says to herself. She then feels herself relax again, she never really noticed that she gets tense so easily. Luckily thinking about Jenna helps her relax.

"Lynn! Get in here, I think I'm done." Lynn hears faintly, it's Jenna calling her for dinner. So Lynn cools of the rocks and gets out. The cold air hits her ten times harder than it did before. She quickly runs inside and closes the door behind her. Then the smell of food fills her nose, and a hungry feeling appears in her stomach. "Wow, it smells good in here. What did you make?" Lynn asks, approaching Jenna in the kitchen. "I made you something that isn't really hard to make but I still did my best." Jenna smiles. "Hamburgers, easy yet delicious." Jenna says proudly as she holds up to hamburgers. "Wow, looks great." Lynn says with a giggle. She takes one plate from Jenna and they sit down on her couch. "So, what do you think? Is it good?" Jenna asks. "Let me try it first, calm down Jenna." Lynn laughs before taking a bite. And it really isn't bad, it's really good actually. "Wow this is great Jenna!" Lynn says after swallowing. "You sure? You really like it?" Jenna asks. "Yes I do Jenna, it's really good." Lynn smiles reassuringly. So they eat, together enjoying Jenna's burgers. Lynn tells Jenna about the sauna and Jenna tells Lynn about the struggles she had while making dinner. They just enjoy the moment, and each other's company.

When they're both done eating, Jenna puts the plates on the counter to worry about tomorrow. The two of them walk upstairs, Lynn making sure she goes behind Jenna to avoid any ass comments, and walk to Jenna's room. "I'll shower in the morning but I advise you to go now." Jenna says. Lynn agrees, taking a clean towel and heading into Jenna's bathroom. She turns on the big shower and looks at herself in Jenna's mirror. "Life is great." She laughs again, she is so happy to be here, with Jenna. Lynn takes her shower, towels off and sneakily walks back to Jenna's closet when she realises she forgot her underwear. She puts it on and walks into Jenna's bedroom, avoiding her gaze as she gets in bed, not wanting to start blushing for the thousands time today. "Thank you for such an amazing day Jenna. I love you." Lynn gives Jenna's head a kiss as she cuddles up to Lynn. "Thank you too Lynn, I- I appreciate your company throughout the day." Lynn can tell that Jenna is still struggling with her feelings, but she doesn't mind. She knows how Jenna feels and she loves her no matter what. "Goodnight Jenna." "Goodnight Lynn." They say before drifting to sleep together.

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