Chapter 21

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Lynn unlocks her phone and goes to her messages, once she clicks on her moms contact she is greeted by multiple texts: "Honey, you know how I like to go on those new celebrity gossip sites once in a while" "Why are you on there?" "How do you know this girl?" "I just saw another picture of you two kissing!" "Lynn Hutton, is that your girlfriend!?" and there are a few more about her not responding. Lynn sighs and sits down on a bench in the hallway. "God I forgot about mom, she loves going to these kinds of sites how can I forget!" Lynn thinks to herself, she then messages her mom back, in the first text she explains that Jenna is just a friend, nothing more. In the second text she explains how they met and how their agreement on spending the week together led all the way to them kissing to make Jenna's ex jealous. And in the last text she says that her mom is not allowed to tell this to anyone just in case word gets out and then Jenna's ex would be all smug and he will probably go after Jenna again. Lynn doesn't wait for a response and just puts her phone back in the locker and walks back towards the sauna.

When she opens the door and is met by the warm air she sees Jenna by herself, her hair is still falling over her shoulders, her skin is even shinier and her face is still relaxed. Jenna then opens her eyes to see Lynn enter. "Aw too bad, you just missed this really hot dude, he had huge muscles and like an 8 pack!" Jenna smiles. "Ha, ha sure I did. I can't believe you're still in here, this is already killing me once again." Lynn sits down next to Jenna and tries to relax herself. "Come on don't be like that, just relax and try to take your mind of the heat. What did you do just now actually?" Jenna tries to help with taking Lynn's mind of the hot sauna and the thick air which Lynn appreciates. "Actually, my mom texted me. I kinda forgot that she also likes to check out some of those celebrity gossip sites, and so she saw us, doing..... you know." Lynn tells. "No way! Does she think we are together then?" Jenna laughs. "Well she did, but I explained how I know you and how we ended up with.... That." "You mean how we kissed, how we were standing on that public street and how our lips touched? You mean that?" Lynn just tries to ignore Jenna as she is not as comfortable with the whole, they kissed and now it's on the internet for everyone to see. "Yes Jenna, that. But the good news is that she believed it, and so we can almost say for certain say your ex believes it." "Yeah especially after what you pulled this morning on the phone. You are still insane, he might send over a hitman or something to take you out." Jenna chuckles. Lynn actually gets scared that he might do something, not a hitman of course but what if he does do something bad. "Jeez I was kidding, you really need to relax don't you." Jenna then says as she sees Lynn having her small freakout. "Well says the celebrity actress that is constantly filming new things or signing autographs at movie premieres." Lynn jokes. They keep going back and forth with teasing eachother but mostly laughing. In no-time a small 'ding' is heard by the both of them. "Well you did it Lynn, you survived one hour and ten minutes in this sauna, I told you that you could do it." Jenna as she gets up, Lynn also gets up and follows her out of the sauna. "Has it been so long?" Lynn asks. "Well for me it was one hour and thirty minutes but you decided to take that break." Jenna explains as she walks back to the poolside beds they had before to drop her stuff. Lynn is surprised it went by so quickly. It actually helped a lot that Jenna was there to talk with. "Now we just need to cool of and we could call it a day." Jenna says before she lowers herself into the pool. Lynn also drops her bath rope at the beds and then goes into the pool. "You should also do some laps, it's healthy for you." Jenna says as she starts swimming. Lynn doesn't really feel like it but decides that it wouldn't hurt to move some, so she starts swimming and catches up to Jenna.

"So what are plans for dinner tonight?" Jenna eventually asks. "I don't know, we can do whatever." Lynn says swimming behind Jenna. "Well if you don't have any plans, I may have been looking at a few restaurants that have some amazing stuff on their menu. I was looking at this one called: "grésilles". Its this fancy place with a French theme and the food there looks amazing." Jenna continues to swim past other people, a lot more have shown up since they went into the sauna. "Sounds...expensive." Lynn mumbles as she continues to follow Jenna. "Yeah it is, that's why it's on me." "Jenna you know that you don't have to pay right, we can split things." Lynn says. "I insist. You took me into your house and you have been putting up with all my issues. This is the least I can do." Jenna explains as she starts yet another lap. "Jenna.....I haven't been putting up with your issues. We're friends, and this might be weird, because honestly I don't have a lot of those, but your issues are mine. Whatever you're dealing with I'm here to help you." Jenna stops as she hears this. She is still facing the other way so Lynn doesn't know if she is laughing at her or anything. Just when Lynn reaches her hand out, Jenna turns around and hugs Lynn tightly. Lynn would love to return the embrace but she is the only thing that is keeping the both of them from sinking to the bottom of this pool. "Why don't we head out so we could make a reservation at this fancy place." Lynn laughs. Jenna moves away and Lynn honestly can't tell if she is crying or if it's just the pool water. So they both get out of the pool and put on their bath ropes. They go back to their lockers and get their clothes. They once again face away from each other while they get dressed. "Okay time to go back home." Lynn says as they walk towards the entrance, they drop off their bath ropes at the front desk and walk outside into the cold winter air. Lynn orders a uber so they have to wait a while outside the sauna. "So we are going to a fancy restaurant, so I will let you borrow some of my clothes." Jenna says as she looks out over the land behind the road. "Can't I just wear my own clothes?" Lynn asks a little offended. "Lynn, come on. With all due respect, you don't really have the clothes for a place like this. I do." Jenna explains only getting Lynn more offended. "Well I'd like to disagree," Lynn thinks about some of her clothes but Jenna is right, she doesn't have any very formal clothes except for the dress that she is saving for New Years "but fine, if you say so." "Great, I'll pick you something." Jenna says, Lynn wants to argue that but she knows that if she'd pick herself it probably wouldn't look very good. They need to wait a little longer until their Uber arrives. They get in and within short they're on their way. After the drive home and the walk back up to Lynn's apartment Jenna runs to her suitcase as fast as she can. "Wow calm down, it's just an outfit." Lynn has never really cared much for fashion let alone the formal kind. The only party's she has really been to were of family. "Well you might think this is just an outfit. But just know I am also doing your hair and your make-up." Jenna yells from the other room. "I'm not some kind of doll." Lynn laughs again sort of offended. "Well for tonight you are." Jenna yells back. Lynn for some reason doesn't say anything back. Maybe it's just for the better to let Jenna have this. Plus Lynn wanted to make this day all about cheering up Jenna. So why not for this once.

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