Chapter 22

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Jenna comes running back with a few clothes a little while later, Lynn is just sitting on the couch watching some random show on tv. Jenna holds a few pieces of clothing up to her "I knew it, this is perfect. I know it is not really your style, but it's formal and still fun." Jenna smiles as she hands over the outfit she picked. Lynn looks at it a bit confused. "Do I really have to wear this?" Lynn asks as she holds the outfit that she would never wear herself. "Yes you do. Pleaseee. For me?" Jenna says trying to put on puppy eyes, and Lynn never expected it, but it worked. "Fine, just for tonight." She sighs. Jenna cheers in joy as Lynn stands up and walks over to her room to change, she can hear Jenna practically dance which does make her feel good. She lays down the outfit on her bed and looks at it for a second: It's a beige button down looking short which is a bit too low cut for Lynn's taste, a pair of matching beige shorts and a beige with a black inside blazer. So Lynn changes into the clothes, they are a bit tight and she wonders how she is going to survive outside while it's this cold. She walks into her closet to take a final look at herself before showing Jenna, it looks.... Good. Suprisingly good to Lynn, it still doesn't really suit her but still, it looks really nice. She builds up a bit of courage before walking into the living room where Jenna is waiting on the couch. Jenna lights up as soon as she sees Lynn "So, what do you think?" Lynn asks a bit nervous. "What do I think? I love it of course, I knew this would be perfect. Now just the make-up." Jenna takes Lynn's hand and leads her to the bathroom where Jenna has put her bag with make-up. "Okay just close your eyes stay quiet while I do it." Jenna says before rummaging through the bag. Lynn wants to argue but before she can even open her mouth she hears Jenna giggle and grabbing some stuff. Lynn expects layers and layers of make-up but after sitting there for like twenty minutes Jenna says: "Aaaaand done!" as she puts down a brush. "Open your eyes and meet the new (just for tonight) Lynn Hutton!" Jenna says exited. Lynn opens her eyes and sees herself in the mirror, it's just herself. Not like a model or actress but just her face with some basic foundation, eye liner and lip-gloss. Jenna smiles as she sees Lynn admire her face "I didn't want to put on too much because I like your basic look, I just did a little more." "Basic? Woooow okay I see." Lynn laughs out. "No it's a good thing trust me, you look good Lynn." Jenna puts her hand on Lynn shoulder as she admires her face. "Okay now scoot, it's my turn." Jenna says as she pushes Lynn out the bathroom. "Don't take too long, we have less than an hour." Lynn says as she walks back to the living room. She uses her phone camera to adjust her hair so it looks a little better than normal and then sits back down on the couch. After thirty minutes Jenna comes back, she is wearing a beautiful black dress which is smooth at the top with a more creased bottom, she is wearing more make-up than Lynn but she still kept it basic, and she is wearing a small golden necklace around her neck. "Wow, you look amazing." Lynn mumbles out as she stands up. Jenna giggles and walks towards her "You don't look too bad yourself. Shall we?" She says as she holds out her arm for Lynn to hook into it, Lynn gladly complies. As they walk out Jenna quickly takes a small purse with her. "Okay with have ten minutes and it's not too far from here, so let's go!" Lynn says as they exit the building.

After a few minutes of walking they reach the restaurant, they enter the fancy looking building and are met by classical music. Jenna talks to the man at the front desk and he leads them to a table by the big window looking out over the street, the table is covered with a white cloth. napkins and cutlery are layed in front of the two seats. Lynn and Jenna sit down at the table after thanking the man. "Wow, just wow. I don't think I've been in a restaurant this fancy before." Lynn smiles as she looks around her, everyone is well dressed and eating amazing looking food. They have to wait a little but eventually a waiter brings them the menu. Lynn takes one look at it and doesn't think she sees one thing that sounds normal. "So what are you getting?" Lynn asks from behind her menu. "I think the Wild King Salmon with rice and the Shirazi Salad." Jenna says from across the table. "Okay.... I honestly don't know what most of these things are." Lynn chuckles. "Then I would get the Ribeye steak with potatoes. It think you'd like it." Jenna puts down the menu. "And how about we get a bottle of Mercier champagne." "Jeez Jenna, how are you going to pay for this?" Lynn says surprised that she recommended one of the most expensive items on the menu and also wants to order a bottle of champagne with it. "Believe it or not, I do a bit of acting from time to time." Jenna smiles. Lynn rolls her eyes and also puts down her menu. The waiter comes to take their orders a little while later, Lynn took this time to realize how out of place she should feel but she doesn't. "So how are you liking the high-class?" Jenna asks. "I don't know, it still isn't really for me but it is nice." Lynn says as she traces her finger over a napkin. "Oh it's gonna be nice, just wait until you get that food, I am not paying this much money to get okay food, this is going to be good, really good." Jenna smiles. Jenna talks about all kinds of expensive foods she has eaten in her life time until the food arrives. "Wow, this smells great!" Lynn says as the waiter puts their food down in front of them. "Yeah but contain yourself, first a toast." Jenna fills both their glasses with champagne before raising her own. Lynn follows suit and raises her glass. "To Lynn Hutton: a smart, funny, sweet, protective and just amazingly looking woman." Jenna says proudly. Lynn smiles and feels herself blush slightly. "But also to Jenna Ortega: a tough, hilarious, soft and a role model to girls. Because who doesn't want to be like you." Lynn says in return. They both laugh as they clink their glasses together. "But really, I want to thank you again for letting me stay at your place." Jenna says after taking a sip. "Come on Jenna that's like the thousandth time you thanked me, it is my pleasure really." "I know but still, you have been so nice to me since we met. And I can't thank you enough for taking me in otherwise I had to find a hotel somewhere and I would've ended up in a bar on New Years eve. Alone and drunk probably." Jenna smiles. Lynn thinks about that for a second, if she didn't take Jenna in for the week she would have been alone this entire week. Lynn is glad that she did.

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