Chapter 49

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Eventually Jenna let's go of Lynn and they walk towards Jenna's place. Jenna opens the door and let's them in. "God, I'm still so tired. Even after sleeping multiple times today." Lynn laughs stupidly as she rubs her eyes. "Yeah I'm pretty tired too. But we can't really drop down into bed like this." Jenna smiles as she tries to slide her dress off. Lynn smiles and helps Jenna by undoing the straps and pulling the dress off. "Hmmm eager to see me naked aren't you?" Jenna chuckles. Lynn feels herself turn red and ignores it. "No Jenna just eager to get you comfortable so we can head to bed." Lynn says with a smile. Once Jenna's dress is finally off Lynn grabs it and takes it upstairs to Jenna's closet. Jenna stumbles after her right to her room. "I'll be waiting here for you okay?" Jenna says. "At least take your makeup off, otherwise it will start to irritate." "Fineeee!" Jenna groans walking past Lynn to her makeup table. Lynn reaches behind her back and unzips her dress, sliding it down and taking it off. "Finally, love the dress but it's just a little small for me." Lynn says throwing it onto the small couch along with the other dress so they can worry about it tomorrow. "I liked it, the small part but you also just looked good. You're pretty." Jenna says as she removes her makeup. Lynn blushes and rolls her eyes, clearly Jenna is still a bit drunk. Lynn realises she still has covers on instead of a bra so she quickly slips downstair to change into a clean pair. Once Lynn goes back upstairs she sees that Jenna clearly had different plans, having throws the covers off and now stumbling to her room half naked. Lynn keeps her eyes straight and goes to remove her own makeup. "God why am I so scared of seeing Jenna naked, she's my girlfriend now. Yet still, it just feels a bit weird." Lynn says to herself. She starts wiping off her makeup and reflecting on her relationship with Jenna. "We did meet only a week ago. Are we moving too fast? It feels like I've know Jenna for a year but I haven't, what we have is new. Is it okay to rush into things?" Lynn complicates. "What's taking so long Hutton?" Jenna yells from her room. "Nothing!" Lynn yells back, standing up and taking a self-reflecting look in the mirror. She grabs her purse and brings it with her. She walks over to Jenna's room and sees her laying in bed as she enters, still no top on. "There you are! Took you long enough." Jenna opens her arms. "Come here, I am too tired." Jenna says in a yawn. Lynn turns off the light, tosses her purse towards the her side and walks over to the bed, falling into it and feeling Jenna wrap her arms around her. Her chest firmly pressed against her torso. Jenna settles her head on top of Lynn chest and yawns again.

"Hey Jenna?" "Yeah Lynn" "Do you think we are moving to fast, rushing into things?" Lynn asks, looking up at the ceiling. "Not really, why?" "Well I was thinking, we met only a week ago. You still had to deal with your ex and I had no idea what busy world of media and fame I was getting into. And now were here, me in your bed. You half naked." "Is that it? You're afraid of nudity?" Jenna groans. "No! not really. It's just that...well I don't really know how relationships work, and you got out of a bad one not too long ago. Don't you think it's smart to take things slow?" Lynn feels like she is being a bad girlfriend by asking this but she knows it's something they should talk about. "Lynn, I know what I want in this relationship. I don't think about my stupid ex anymore because you helped me with getting him off my back. If you want to take things slower that's okay, I just want to do what feels right. And this feel right because...Lynn...I love you." Jenna gets softer at the end of her sentence but Lynn hears it loud and clear. A tear forms in her eye and she reaches down to kiss Jenna's head. "I love you too Jenna. So, so much. You're right, let's just do things that feel right, when they feel right." Lynn smiles, she knows that this was hard for Jenna and she probally only said it because of the darkness, she doesn't have to look Lynn in her eyes. This is a huge step for Jenna, Lynn knows that. And it only makes her love Jenna more. "Goodnight Jenna." Lynn smiles, crying slightly. "Goodnight Lynn." Jenna says. It doesn't take long before Lynn falls asleep with Jenna in her arms.

A bright light falls onto Lynn's face as she wakes up, the sun comes shining through the curtains. Lynn has to think for a second before remembering that she is at Jenna's waking up here is going to take some getting used to. Waking up with Jenna in her arms not, Jenna's arms are still wrapped around her and Lynn's hand reaches around Jenna's back. Lynn looks down at Jenna's face, illuminated by the sunlight. Lynn doesn't want to wake Jenna up so she reaches for her purse she threw down next to the bed yesterday, taking her phone out. Her phone has been blowing up with messages, dms from Jenna fans. But also text: Her mom congratulating them on making it official; Finn saying that he is happy Lynn and Jenna are together and from Dahlia, not the one she met yesterday but her other friend from school, talking about how shocked she is after seeing Lynn and Jenna together and finding it: 'totally amaaaazing!'. Lynn tries her best to look at all the dms and follow request she got but decides to let Jenna help with that. She text back to her family and friends until she hears: "What are you doing pretty?" next to her. As Lynn looks she is met by Jenna's sleepy look. "Good morning! I was just talking to my mom and friends, they saw the post and are happy for the both of us." Jenna let's go of Lynn and sits up, rubbing her eyes and moaning softly "That's nice, tell them thank you for me." Lynn does and then throws her phone back into her purse. "Now what kind of things do you have for breakfast?" Lynn says, getting out of bed and stretching. "I honestly have no idea!" Jenna laughs. She also gets out of bed walking down the hall to her closet where she gets dressed with some sweatpants and a sweater. Lynn walks downstairs and puts on some shorts and a t-shirt before the two of them walk to the kitchen. "So what are you going to prepare for me chef?" Jenna jokes. "What am I going to prepare? Don't you mean we. I was going to learn you how to cook remember." Lynn searches through the cabinets for food. "Jeez do I have to?" Jenna groans. "Yep! Now come on." Lynn grins, pulling Jenna into the kitchen with her.

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