Chapter 20

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After enjoying each other's warmth in the cold morning breeze, the uber shows up. They get in, thank the driver and giving him the address. Lynn takes out her phone again and opens a website. "Okay so this is the spa we will be going to. And with the gift card we can do massages, a while in the sauna, swimming and we can get a face mask with a pedicure." Lynn reads as she shows a few pictures to Jenna. "Yeah, sounds nice." Jenna smiles as she looks at Lynn, she then looks outside. Lynn can notice that Jenna wants to say something, but she doesn't. "Hey are you okay?" Lynn puts her hand on Jenna's shoulder. "Yeah, I just want to thank you again. You let me stay at your house and even though I put you through some trouble you still help me." Jenna keeps looking out the window, Lynn knows it's harder for her to says things like this. "Of course Jenna, I like you, flaws and all." Lynn tells Jenna, she looks back at her and smiles. "Even though there are quite a lot of flaws." Lynn chuckles. As Jenna hears this she puts on an offended face. They both break out in laughter, and they talk a bit more about the spa on their way there. The uber drops them off at the front of the spa, they thank the driver, get out and walk into the spa. Once they enter they are greeted with a lobby that is covered marble, white floors, and black walls. They walk to the front desk to check in. "Hey there, do you have a reservation?" the woman behind the desk asks. "Yeah it's under the name Lynn Hutton." Lynn tells her, the woman types something into the computer in front of her. "Ah, you guys are one of the firsts, so you'll probably be able to do any of the activities you want." She smiles "Here are some bathrobes you could use in between but during activities we advise you to be either nude or in your underwear. You could find the changing rooms on the door on your right." The woman tells them, Lynn didn't even think about this, she has seen Jenna in her underwear, but she isn't as comfortable with it as her. When they go to sleep they can't see eachother but now they kind of have to. Lynn thinks about the other option the woman presented before quickly shaking the taught out of her head, like she would ever want to see Jenna naked. "Ehm, yeah thank you." Lynn grabs the bathrobes and hands one to Jenna after she realises that she is just standing there awkwardly. Lynn hesitates for a second before leading the way to the changing rooms, the changing rooms are a few separate rooms in a hallway. "Come on what are you waiting for, let's just go into this one." Jenna sighs and grabs Lynn's hand and leads her into one of the rooms. Jenna puts her stuff down and starts undressing, Lynn quickly turns around to the other side of the room and puts her stuff down before she hears Jenna chuckle: "Are you still doing this? Come on Lynn grow up." Lynn just rolls her eyes and sighs; she reluctantly pulls off her clothes leaving her in her underwear. She quickly puts on the bathrobe and turns back to the door where she is met by Jenna's gaze. "Yeah finally ready?" Jenna smiles. "Yes I am, are you done creeping on me?" Lynn sighs as she takes her stuff and walks out of the room. Jenna jogs after her while laughing, "What can I say, I appreciate a good body." Lynn blushes slightly but doesn't want Jenna to notice so she quickly walks over to some lockers where she puts her clothes; keys and he phone in one and locks it with a key attached to a bracelet. Jenna does the same thing and then they walk over to the big wooden door at the end of the hallway.

When they open it they are met by a big pool, the outer wall is fully made out of glass which gives them a nice view of a lake. There are a few people swimming, but it is very empty. "Okay what are we going to do first?" Lynn says as she looks around. "Why don't we start with some swimming and then we'll do the sauna so we can end with the face mask and pedicure?" Jenna says as she walks over to some beds. "Yeah sounds like a plan." Lynn follows Jenna and they both take off their bathrobes. Jenna leads the ways into the water, but Lynn just watches for a second. She then also gets in the water feeling a bit weird as she is in her underwear instead of a bikini, but she gets used to it pretty quick. Jenna just starts doing laps around the pool, Lynn isn't really sure what to do. So she just leans against the side of the pool while letting her body float as much as she can. Lynn closes her eyes and thinks for a second. "So in three days it's New Years. I need to get something to eat and drink, and I can't even start to imagine what Jenna is going to do, she is unpredictable which I think is a good aspect but if it's Jenna I don't even know what to think of it." Lynn hears Jenna swim past her and then stop in the water. "Imaging my naked body or what?" Lynn hears, she opens her eyes and Jenna is smirking across from her. "No, I was thinking about New Years." "Sure, sure, but just know that I am imagining yours." Jenna's smirk grows even wider. Lynn decides to take a bit of revenge, so she pushes herself towards Jenna and in a swift motion she grabs her and dunks her once. "Yeah what was that?" Lynn pulls Jenna back up who is struggling to get free, "Let me go!" she laughs. "Not until you apologize." Lynn dunks Jenna once again but as quick as she pushes her down she also pulls her back up. "Okay fine! I'm sorry Lynn! I am sorry." Jenna almost screams out. Lynn let's go of Jenna and swims back to the side of the pool. "You are really annoying did you know that." Jenna also goes over to the side of the pool. "So, want to go try the sauna?" Jenna asks as she climbs out the water. "Yeah sure.'' Lynn also climbs out and they put on their bathrobes as the make their way to the sauna.

"Okay we are going to do this for an hour and then we'll get our face masks." Jenna says as they enter the smoking hot sauna. Lynn knows she probally won't be able to make it the entire hour, but she is going to try anyway. They sit down next to each other after taking their bathrobes off and putting them on the wooden benches. Jenna pours some more water over the coals that are in the corner of the small room. Lynn starts to feel uncomfortable pretty quickly, so she looks at Jenna to see how she is doing. Jenna is sitting there leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. Jenna sees her skin shimmering in the light and how her still wet hair falls over her shoulders. "Wow I am sweating like crazy.'' Lynn says trying to make conversation to kill the time. "Yeah that's what is supposed to happen in a sauna, now shush I am trying to relax." Jenna says without even opening her eyes. They sit there for a while longer, but Lynn can't take it anymore. "Hey I'm going to get out really quick." She says as she stands up. "Fine, don't be surprised when you come back to me talking to this buff handsome dude." Jenna smiles. Lynn just rolls her eyes and steps out of the warm room. She is relieved by the fresh and cool air she feels. She wants to grab her phone and sit down for a little while before going back. So she walks over admiring the lake outside as she walks by the pool towards the lockers. When she grabs her phone from the locker and turns it one she sees a notification pop up: It's a message of her mom.

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