Chapter 39

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Lynn and Jenna walk back home together, like really together. Jenna is in Lynn's arm and they both have the widest smile on their faces. "I can't believe you actually ran all this way, you're crazy." "Well yeah I was afraid I would miss the chance to tell you that I love you before you left." Lynn is still in a bit of shock. She just had her happy ending, she is with Jenna after she confessed her love at the last moment. "but why was I earlier than you then, I lost all hope when I didn't see you at the station." "Well that's because I got lost! I was just following the route my phone gave me but that thing led me in circles. But eventually I managed." "Really!? I was already getting worried that something had happened to you." They both laugh, Lynn feels relieved. She is just happy that she finally knows what's going on with her feelings. And that she managed to express them to Jenna.

"So what do we do now?" Jenna asks as they walk. Back down the street Lynn ran over, fireworks are lighting up the night sky. "I... I don't know. But we'll talk okay. I know that we can figure things out. Together." Lynn says. "You sound so cheesy right now, you do realize that right?" "Ah come on, can't I be happy?" they both laugh as they walk around the corner. Lynn can see her house again and she has never felt this good while seeing it. Lynn just feels so amazing. Everything seems perfect and fun, she loves life. They walk inside together and up the stairs. Lynn opens the door and lets Jenna inside, Lynn grabs two cups from one of the overhead counters and puts them on the counter. "Coffee?" Lynn asks with a sweet smile as she looks over to Jenna who sits down on the couch. "Yeah thank you." Jenna smiles. Lynn puts one cup under the coffee machine and makes the first cup, she brings it over to Jenna before making one herself. "So, we should talk." Lynn says. They both chuckle a little but Lynn tries to stay serious. "So first thing I want to make sure. Does this mean that we're...together?" Lynn asks. Jenna nods: "Yes, we are a couple now. We love each other and are in a relationship." Even though Lynn loves to hear it, it feels a bit weird. "Okay, so next I'm really, really curious to when you found out you loved me. If you're okay with telling me." Lynn asks. Jenna puts her cup down and tuck her hair behind her ears. "Well I knew when I was attracted to you.." Jenna smiles a bit shy. "Really? When?" Lynn is curious, Jenna looks shy. "Before we met, when I was walking down the street looking for a hotel and I saw this beautiful girl eating alone. So I thought I'd shoot my shot." Lynn is perplexed. "You've been attracted to me since the start!? I'm so sorry." "Don't be, but I figured out I was in love with you when we slept together for the first time. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw you, a random girl who took a stranger into her house to sleep there. Then I fell in love." Jenna looks down at her cup when she talks. Lynn can tell that it's hard for Jenna to talk about this stuff. Lynn can't help but shed a tear. "Omg Jenna!" Lynn hugs Jenna tightly as they both laugh. "How about you then, how did you figure it out." Jenna asks. "Well after you left, my friend Finn called. I told him about everything and he helped me see that the warm, comfortable feeling I felt around you, was love." They both start slightly laughing. "So I felt really stupid and then I decided to try and find you. I'm glad I did." Lynn says.

"So what about living. I know it's really early in our relationship but I'm not doing long distance." Lynn says. "Yeah I agree, but maybe we can talk about that after you visit next week. If you get as accustomed to my home than I did to yours we can talk, if not it's an easy decision." Jenna says with a sweet smile, Lynn likes this more vulnerable Jenna, she is more open and in a way sweeter than before. Or maybe Lynn can finally see Jenna at her best because of her revelation. "You're willing to give up your life over there like that, for me?" Lynn asks surprised. "Yeah I guess so. We both know that my family isn't really something I'm attached to and honestly, most of my friends are just for partying. And work is mostly traveling around anyway, a lot of shows or movies are shot on location. Maybe we could go together once so I can show you." "Yeah that sounds like fun, but would you really settle for this small apartment instead of what I presume a villa." "Well not a villa but I really don't mind. Plus it's cozy not small, I could help replace some of your old stuff and we can put a new layer of paint on the walls." Jenna looks around the room. Lynn can see her plan out an entire make-over of the apartment. Then Lynn cries, fully cries. Not out of sadness but because she just loves how Jenna is able to give everything up for her, settle for this small city instead of the warm LA. "What's wrong?" Jenna asks. "Nothing, nothing at all. I just love you." Jenna pulls Lynn into a sudden hug, Lynn welcomes her with love.

"So I was wondering, did you ever think about telling me earlier?" Lynn asks. "Well yeah, a few times actually. When we went to the fair I actually tried to avoid that love tunnel thing, the kiss was actual then, I couldn't contain myself." Lynn feels bad for how she acted back then, she really thought that Jenna was just messing with her. "And I actually did once confess, after we went to the bar. I acted like I forgot the morning after." Jenna says. Lynn forgot about that, she tought drunk Jenna was just being weird. And that she was that drunk she blacked out. "You really didn't forget, wow I actually believed it. That's why I didn't bring it up. I thought you would be embarrassed." "Yeah I would be, that would have been a shitty way to confess my love." They both laugh

They talk a bit longer until they both start to yawn heavily. "I think we should head to bed." Lynn laughs. Jenna agrees, "but first I want you to take a shower, I'll go after you." They stand up laughing and walk towards her bedroom, Jenna sits down on their bed. Lynn wants to get used to calling things theirs already, Lynn feels like they still have to come a far way until they're a full blown couple but Lynn is happy to take the steps with Jenna. They both take a shower after each other and Lynn waits in the bed for Jenna. As she walks in they both smile. "What?" Jenna asks as she gets into bed. "I love you." Lynn says. "Thanks." Jenna says. Lynn can tell she will need a while to say it on a regular basis but she doesn't mind. They cuddle up to each other and Lynn holds Jenna close. "Goodnight Lynn." Jenna whispers. Lynn places a firm kiss against Jenna's head and smiles. "Goodnight Jenna, thank you for everything."

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