Chapter 48

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Lynn and Jenna just talk for a while, they talk about all of the kind comments the post, and of course some hate comments. But Jenna told Lynn to just take it like a compliment. If someone can get this butthurt over someone's girlfriend you know that you're lucky. Lynn actually likes that thought, she was the lucky girl that was able to date Jenna Ortega, to be her girlfriend. After waiting for quite a while their appetizers are brought to the table. Jenna's soup and Lynn's salad, both look amazing. "Wow, I never thought a salad could look this good." Lynn chuckles. "Yeah me neither, but that is when I pay this much, it better be good." Jenna laughs, taking a sip of her soup. "Mmmm wow! That is delicious, god!" Jenna quickly takes another sip. Lynn laughs and takes a bite of her salad. "Wow you're right, how do they make a salad this good?" Lynn asks genuinely confused. "I don't know, I'm just glad they do." Jenna smiles. They both continue to savor their delicious meals, both surprised at the quality. It are some of the most basic meals, and yet they make it so god damn delicious here. After they eventually finish, they have some more wine while checking the post. "Wow, this is already becoming one of my most liked post ever!" "Well, I do look really pretty there." Lynn says trying to act arrogant. "Yeah sure, you're as red as a tomato in the second picture." Jenna laughs.

After a while of chatting, having wine and reading comments, the main course arrives. Two plates of beautifully presented caviar with a platter of toast and a vegetable mix of cucumber, tomato, paprika and some other stuff Lynn can't even recognize. It kind of puts in perspective how unhealthy she often eats. "Wow, just wow." Lynn says. "This nothing I've ever seen before." Jenna smiles, checking out her plate. "Me neither. Let's get eating then." Lynn says, taking a scoop of the caviar and spreading it on the toast. Jenna does the same and they hold it up to cheer with them. They both put the small toast in their mouth and let the caviar fall apart, savoring the flavor escaping from it. "" Lynn softly says. "I agree, this...just tastes expensive." Jenna says, eyes closed just enjoying the taste. So they eat, they eat and enjoy every single bit. Lynn is mesmerized as she realizes again where they are, what they're doing. Lynn doesn't really belong here, yet she is. She is here with Jenna, and she couldn't be happier.

"That was so good!" Jenna says after eating the last bit. "Hey, I still have some ice cream at home I think. We could have some there before we go to sleep." "That sounds nice, I am starting to get a little tired by the tight dress." Lynn laughs. "Why? You look really sexy." Jenna smirks. Lynn rolls her eyes and smiles. "But yeah we could do dessert at your place." Lynn says, now also finishing her meal. As they wait for the waiter they finish the wine. Lynn can feel the slight, warm buzz she has gotten. They eventually pay, or Jenna does, and leave. The night sky has revealed itself, less stars than Lynn normally sees. But the Los Angeles skyline makes up for it. The cool air washes over Lynn as Jenna orders an uber. They wait for a while, looking at the lit up city in front of them, Jenna rest her head on Lynn's shoulder and yawns . Their uber eventually arrives and Jenna tells her the address when they get in. The moment Jenna gets in she lays back and closes her eyes. "Date night?" their driver asks. "Yeah, just made it official in a way, or at least for everyone else." Lynn whispers slightly, not wanting to wake Jenna up. "Yeah I saw the post, Jenna Ortega right? And then you're Lynn." Their driver says as she starts driving. "Yep, that's us. Not really used to getting recognized." Lynn laughs. "Oh trust me, you will be. In this city there are hundreds of fans, looking for celebrities. Now you are one too." "A side effect of dating Jenna I guess. I don't mind, I will do anything for her." Lynn smiles. "Awww that's so sweet! But there is one other side effect I have already seen." The driver says. "Yeah, what's that" Lynn laughs a bit nervously. "It didn't take long after that first picture of you two became popular, but some people like to...write about celebrities. And I've already seen a few about the two of you." Their driver says, sounding a bit embarrassed. "Really!? You're kidding right?" Lynn says surprised. "No trust me, there are already plenty of Jenna X girlfriend stories." "Wow, have you read them, are they good?" "I have read a bit yeah, but the way most people write about you is nice. They make you a sweet, loving and funny girlfriend." Lynn looks at the sleeping Jenna "I hope I am that for Jenna, she deserves that." "You two are a nice couple, I am honored to drive you." Their driver says. "Well thank you, its nice to meet you too. What's your name by the way." Lynn says as she looks out the front window, at the busy streets and the city in front of them. "Dahlia!" The driver smiles through the rearview mirror. "Nice to meet you Dahlia." Lynn smiles back. Lynn and Dahlia chat the on the way back to Jenna's place. About Jenna but also Lynn's life before she met Jenna. They eventually arrive, Lynn gives Dahlia her number so they can chat more while she wakes Jenna up. "What are you two doing?" Jenna asks sleepily as she wakes up. "Oh I'm giving Dahlia my number, so we can chat. I'm socializing you know." "Should I be jealous?" Jenna asks. "Oh no, god no! I could never compete with you." Dahlia says from the front. "Sureee, well nice to meet you I guess." Jenna says as she gets out. Lynn waves by to Dahlia and walks after Jenna. "Hey what's going on?" Lynn says as she catches up to Jenna. "Nothing, I just wake up to you giving a random girl your number, it's just weird." "Hey Jenna, trust me, I would never ever betray you. I am just making friends, she was a fan." Lynn says taking Jenna by her shoulders. Jenna tightly hugs Lynn. "Promise?" Jenna asks. "Promise!" Lynn says embracing Jenna. "I love you, nothing and no one can change that." 

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