Chapter 30

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"So Jenna? There is this one thing I was wondering." Lynn's mom says with a bit of a curious look. "Yeah, what's up?" Jenna sounds more comfortable now that she has had the chance to talk to Lynn's mom and laugh with her. "Well, I love that you're here right now and that you and Lynn are g joing to celebrate New Years together, but why is that? Like why aren't you at home?" Lynn quickly sits up as she hears her mom say this. As Lynn looks over at Jenna, she can she her lose her warm smile and sink back into her chair. "Ehm, mom, that's not really something to talk about right now." Lynn says, giving her mom a stern look, Lynn and her mom have always been giving each other looks to signal what kind of situation they're in. Lynn's look right now says: "Sore subject! Don't continue talking!" So Lynn's mom quickly changes the subject. "Yeah, I'm sorry again that I couldn't make it this year, honey, but I'm glad you found a replacement." "Replacement!? The way Lynn talks about you, I could never be a replacement." Jenna says. "Oh, stop it, you are a celebrity! No way I could even compare to you." Lynn's mother chuckles. "Are you two really fighting about who is the most humble? You two are insane." Lynn laughs. "What don't you like it when I fight for you?" Jenna has that one specific smirk on her face. She is trying to flirt and make Lynn uncomfortable? Right now? Lynn just rolls her eyes and sits back in her chair, letting Jenna and her mom talk some more about who is better for Lynn. If Lynn had to choose, it would, of course, be her mom. She raised her and come on. It's her mom. But if Lynn knew Jenna her entire life, it might be a much harder choice. Even after these few days, Lynn feels that her connection with Jenna is stronger than anything she has ever felt outside of her mom. Lynn doesn't even know how she survived all these years without Jenna as her friend. Just when Jenna and Lynn's mom start to get really competitive the food arrives. Lynn let's out a relieved sigh as the waiter puts down their sandwiches. "I really like this place, they have good food and a nice environment." Jenna says before taking a bite. Lynn agrees, this is probably one of the nicer places in town, it's very homey and it just feels comfortable. Plus the food is good, that will always be important. They eat for a while not saying a word, Jenna and Lynn look at each other multiple times making them laugh.

After doing this for like the hundredth time Lynn looks up to see her mom stare with a big smile. "You two look so cute together." Lynn's mom whispers as if she has never heard of embarrassment. Something Lynn is feeling a lot of right now. "Mom come on quit it, I already told you what was happening." "Yeah, yeah. But could you guys do me a quick favor, can I take a picture? You know to remember this." Lynn's mom grabs her phone. Before Lynn can even roll her eyes Jenna says: "Of course! That sounds like fun!" and puts her arm around Lynn while getting a bit closer, Lynn can't help but get red. She doesn't know if it's from embarrassment or if Jenna is just doing her weird hypno flirt stuff but she still makes a small smile. Lynn can tell that her mom is taking extra long to take the pictures so that they have to sit like that. When she finally does, Lynn's mother turns her phone to show the picture. "Awww we look so cute, but you're blushing a bit Lynn." Jenna chuckles. "Shut up it's just embarrassing." Lynn rolls her eyes again. "Don't mind that miss Hutton. Lynn gets a little shy when we have to be so close." "Oh well I have certainly seen otherwise." Lynn's mom smirks. Lynn knows what she is talking about, the kiss and the other pictures from the two of them acting like a couple. "But unfortunately I still have work to do so I better get going, leave you two alone." Lynn's mom winks at her as she stands up. She walks over to the register to pay before Lynn or Jenna can offer to. "God I hate her, I love her so much, but sometimes." Lynn shakes her head with a smile. "You should be happy, I would kill to have such an amazing mom, you know what I ended up with." Jenna says. It feels weird to hear Jenna talk so casually about something she was crying over yesterday. Lynn thinks it is sort of her way to deal with the pain and stress of it all.

Lynn's mom comes back looking at her phone with a weird look like a mix of happiness and confusion. "Mom? What's up?" Lynn asks sensing that there is something. "Well you both already know I follow along with the celebrity gossip a lot. Well I just got a notification of a new article." "Okay so what is it?" Lynn looks confused at Jenna who doesn't seem to be any wiser. "Well it is: 'Jenna Ortega's new relationship is already getting serious.' So I think you might want to see this." Lynn's mom holds up her phone to see the subtitle: 'Jenna Ortega seen meeting her new girlfriends mom over lunch'. Lynn takes her moms phone quickly as she looks at the picture above the article. It was the three of them talking, they were almost getting stalked at this point. "Oh no! Mom I'm so sorry I had to drag you into this." Lynn says as she shows Jenna the picture. "Oh really this is messed up! I didn't even see him this time." Jenna looks confused at the picture. "Are you guys insane! This is my dream! I am on one of those gossip sites with my daughter and her friend! I feel amazing!" Lynn's mother reaches in to hug Lynn and Jenna, they look confused at each other but both laugh. "Now I want you two to go home and enjoy your day while I'll go tell everyone at work about it." Lynn's mom says as they walk out. "Oh mom remember, to everyone else you say Jenna and I are dating. We are the only three that know and we'd like to keep it that way, just in case." "Of course honey. I wish you both a happy New Years and I can't wait to see you again Jenna!" Lynn's mom first hugs Jenna and then Lynn. Lynn likes seeing Jenna and her mom get along like this because she can see that Jenna has never had anything like that. So if Lynn has to share her mom a bit to make Jenna happy. She will gladly do so.

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