Chapter 31

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"So you ready for tomorrow?" Jenna asks as her and Lynn walk home. "Yeah I think so, the only thing left to do is decorate a bit and then the food." "Good, good. How about mentally, I mean it's the end of a year. How are you feeling about it." "Where did this philosopher come from?" Lynn laughs. "I am just curious, how was your year?" Lynn has to think, this year has been, to summarize it in one word, boring. School was uneventful and she hasn't made any new friends, but then this last week. It feels like the entire year was outshined by this one week. Meeting Jenna; getting to know her during their hike; going to the fair; singing karaoke with her and going to the spa. Then lunch with Jenna and her mom and Lynn gets to spend New Years with Jenna.

"So are you going to answer?" Jenna bumps her arm against Lynn's. "Oh yeah sorry, it was okay." "Just okay? Sounds very nice." Jenna chuckles. "Yeah I know, not a lot happened until you showed up. So I guess you kind of made my year." Lynn shrugs as they walk into her building and go up. "So what you're saying is that I'm that best part of your year. How sweet Lynn but I think we should stay friends, maybe with benefits." Jenna winks. "What! You're insane! How could you say that!" Lynn blushes so hard she can feel her cheeks get warmer. She just quickly opens her apartment door and walks in. "You should be lucky to even be friends with benefits. Let alone my girlfriend." Jenna laughs as they walk in. "Yeah of course!" Lynn says sarcastically. "You know that hurts, I definitely wouldn't mind getting to know you a little...better." Jenna rubs Lynns shoulder as Lynn is taking of her coat. A shiver shoots down her spine and her body relaxes. Jenna helps taking off Lynn's coat and throws it down. "Jenna...stop you're joking." "And what if I'm not?" Jenna whispers sensually into Lynn's ear. Her body warms up and her chest feels heavy. Jenna slides her hands down Lynn's figure. "Why don't we just...try?" Lynn wants to say no, she wants to step away. But the way Jenna touches her makes her mind go blank. Her rational thought are thrown out the window. So Lynn nods as Jenna slowly intertwines her fingers with Lynn's and leads her towards her room. Once both Jenna and Lynn are sitting on the bed, Lynn feels nervous but it feels: right. Just right, almost natural. "So are we gonna do this or what?" Jenna smirks. Lynn gulps but before she can respond Jenna pushes her down on her bed. "Jenna..." Lynn mumbles. Lynn and Jenna's eyes lock and almost out of instinct, Lynn kisses Jenna. Not because they're acting, and not because Jenna is trying to make her uncomfortable. Just because Lynn wants it, she really wants to kiss Jenna. Jenna smiles and kisses her back, the kiss is slow and passionate. "God I think this will be a good friendship." Jenna grins. Lynn's heart sinks, she is right. This is only a friendship, all of this will be based on a friendship. "Jenna wait." Lynn pushes Jenna to the side. "Oh getting dominant are we?" Jenna giggles. 'No, no I can't do this. We are friends, things like...this is more for a couple to me. And I don't think this will help our friendship." "Aw come on, are you going to leave me exited like this?" Jenna puts on cute eyes. Lynn looks at her and imagines how it would be: amazing probably. But something like this just feels wrong even though Lynn thinks it's good. "Sorry Jenna! I have to get some air. I'll be out for a while." Lynn quickly gets up and walks out of her room. "No Lynn! Come on!" Jenna yells. Lynn doesn't listen, she has to get out of here, she just needs to clear her head. Lynn walks outside and takes a deep breath. "God damnit!" she shouts. "Why? Why did I agree to that, I love Jenna but not like that. It felt good but I can't do a friends with benefits!" Lynn feels angry, maybe to Jenna or maybe to herself. Lynn is just...confused. Her feelings are all over the place. Jenna got her more exited than she has ever thought she could but it still wasn't right, Jenna is her friend. Lynn walks downstairs to the entrance of her building. She leans against the wall and takes another deep breath. She stands there, looks at the people walking by and just trying to calm down. Lynn feels like she is about to cry, she never expected to end up almost sleeping with Jenna. "God why is she like that!" Lynn whispers to herself. "Because I just wanted to relax and forget things." Jenna walks out with a small uncomfortable smile. "Jenna..." "I'm sorry Lynn. Sex is something I use as an distraction and after everything with my mom I could use it. But then today when I talked with you mom, and when she hugged me. It almost felt like she was my mom. And I just felt so stressed and sad, I just needed some distraction. And I thought I was able to do something with you but you're right, we shouldn't do this." Jenna sounds sincere and sad. "So we agree, we are terrible at a friends with benefits." Lynn let's out a stupid chuckle and so does Jenna. Lynn still feels bad but at least they talked about it. "How about we watch some more movies and order food?" Jenna smiles. "I'd like that."

Lynn and Jenna walk back upstairs. They watch more of scream and Lynn smirks every time Jenna appears. Once it's getting late they decide to order sushi again, they talk some more about their years and Lynn is mostly just surprised by all the things Jenna did and who she got to meet. "You have to introduce me to some people! I can't wait to come visit once." "Me neither, we could throw like a crazy party with all these celebrities. Maybe we can find someone that actually wants to be with you." Jenna jokes. "Are you kidding!? You're the one that was coming onto me. Maybe we could find someone that enjoys some casual to sleep with to relief stress." Lynn smirks. She is glad they can laugh about it and Lynn would actually love to have a party but the things she felt today are going to stick with her for a while. After they both finish their food they watch the end of scream before Lynn let's out a big yawn. "Time for some sleep I guess." "Yes please, after last night I can't wait to sleep good again." Lynn just really wants to sleep with Jenna in her arms after the emptiness she felt last night. So they get ready laughing a few times as they look at eachother. Lynn lays down in her bed and Jenna almost jumps on top of her. "Goodnight Lynn." Jenna smiles. Lynn feels comfortable and warm, everything feels nice after everything that happened today. "Night Jenna, sleep well." Lynn smirks. It doesn't take long before they're both passed out in each other's arms.

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