Chapter 25

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Lynn leads the way while Jenna follows behind her, they walk to the grocery store where they can see that it is even busier than they expected. "Jeez, are you sure we will find enough to feed us?" Jenna says a bit worried, "I hope so." Lynn walks into store. "While on the subject of food. What are you thinking as dinner on New Year's?" Jenna looks at the list that Lynn takes out her coat. "Well I was thinking to make a family recipe. The Hutton lasagna." Lynn smiles as they walk around the grocery store. "Lasagna? Really? That is your family recipe, ours is taco's." "Yeah lasagna, my mom and dad had been making it for me since I was a child, my grandparents made it for my father and I have been told that it came from even before them. I am pretty sure it has been updated a few times since but it is still amazing. So I am going to make it for you." Lynn explains as she grabs some of the first ingredients. "Okay fine, but I think it's time for me to get some champagne." Jenna looks around her. "I'll come find you once I've found the perfect bottle." Jenna smiles at Lynn before walking away. "Okay.....bye." Lynn says after Jenna has already left. Lynn thinks for a second, it feels a bit weird that Jenna isn't by her side. It has only been six days since they met but they have done more in those days than Lynn has done in the past year probably. But Lynn has to focus, the ingredients for the lasagna are almost done, then she also needs some snacks and drinks. Lynn gathers the last ingredients for her lasagna. She then grabs some soda and some chips and party snacks. Lynn reads her last one final time to make sure she hasn't forgotten anything. "Okay now to find Jenna." Lynn thinks as she starts walking towards the wine, champagne and beer. Once she turns the corner of the aisle she sees Jenna, but she is talking to some random guy. Lynn walks over to them and sees that Jenna is acting weird, even for her. She approaches Jenna and the stranger with caution. "Ehm, excuse me, Jenna?'' Lynn speaks softly. "Can't you see that we're talking?" the guy says in an aggressive tone. "Yes, I did. I just need to talk to Jenna." Lynn says a bit more protective. "Too bad I'm talking to her right now. And she was just about to give me her number, weren't you." The guy says leaning over Jenna to what seems like intimidate her, but Lynn can tell it's working. Before Jenna can open her mouth Lynn snaps. "No she wasn't, you know why? Because Jenna doesn't want anything to do with losers like you who act all though. So back off and let us shop in peace." Lynn is on the verge of yelling in the middle of the grocery store. "Who do you think you are. You get away before I beat your ass." The guy says. Then Lynn hits him. Right in his face. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. Get out of here right now!" Lynn yells. She grabs Jenna and walks towards the cash register. She is filled with rage. " just hit a guy in a grocery store." "Well he was being way to annoying, I could tell you were bothered by him." "Yeah you could," Jenna grabs a hold of Lynn. Lynn is still in a rush of adrenaline. "calm down. And thank you." Jenna hugs Lynn and all of her rage dissapears. Jenna has such a calming effect even with her energetic personality. "Did you at least get some champagne." Lynn chuckles stupidly. "Yeah I got some before that guy came. Buuut let's get out of here before we get in trouble." Jenna smiles. They are lucky enough to don't have to wait in line. They both pay and walk out of there as quick as possible. "Wow I really hit someone. That hurts!" the realization that Lynn just hit a random guy square in his face actually dawns on her. "Yeah you did. It was a hell of a punch but I assume that guy will be okay." Jenna chuckles. They walk outside into the streets. "You did kind of commit a crime but I will ignore that because you did it for me. Really, thank you. Something I have to keep saying." Jenna holds her expensive looking champagne in her hand while Lynn caries a bag of groceries. as they walk. "You don't have to apologize, I am just a little protective when it comes to friends. Or at least when it comes to you." Lynn smiles. Her hands is still hurting like crazy but she ignores it.

They walk back to Lynn's apartment; walk up and enter into her hallway. Lynn puts down the bag of groceries on the kitchen countertop before taking of her coat and shoes. Jenna is already sitting down on the couch looking at her bottle of champagne. "So what did you get?" Lynn sits down next to Jenna. "It's a bottle of Dom Pérignon. I have had a few of these at party's and such but I always liked it, plus it was one of their most expensive ones." "Really, you actually went for the expensive one. All for me?" Lynn acts arrogant as she puts one of her hands flat against her chest. "How nice of you." "Just know that one: this was because I liked it, and two: because I do feel that it is the least I can do. Especially after you beat up a guy for me." Jenna chuckles. "I didn't beat him up, I just hit him. Really hard. In his face." Lynn thinks back and kind of feels bad that she just left him there, but she wipes that thought out of her mind once she realises how he acted against her and most importantly Jenna. "Sure, sure whatever." Jenna smiles. "But I did like the way you acted, so protective." Jenna's smile turns into a smirk. "You were so rough and badass. I kind of liked it." Jenna traces her finger over Lynn's arm. Lynn can't help to fall to Jenna's tease and admit that it does feel nice, also to hear Jenna talk about her in that way, maybe it's a bit weird but Lynn also likes it. "no, no don't go doing that again, I know what you're doing and it's not working." Lynn looks the other way to distract herself. "Oh yeah?" Jenna swings her legs around Lynn, she is now in her lap. They are face to face. Lynn looks at Jenna who is just smirking back. She gets closer, and closer until their faces are almost touching. "Not so tough now are you?" she stares into Lynn's soul. Lynn is unable to move, not because Jenna is on top of her, but because she is so flustered that she froze. Jenna then leans back and bursts out laughing. "I knew I could still do it, my charms are to powerfull for you." Jenna laughs. And Lynn is unfrozen again, she grabs Jenna's leg and throws it to the side forcing Jenna to fall down next to her on the couch. "You are the worst you know that!" Lynn groans. She doesn't know why Jenna was able to put her in a trance like this, but she knows she hates it. "Let's just put on the next scream movie okay?" Lynn reaches for the remote and puts on the next scream movie, Jenna is still laughing into the couch next to her which does make Lynn smile a little. But it doesn't take long before they're cuddled up under a blanker while watching the movie. Even after everything that happened Lynn still likes to cuddle with Jenna. "I have never really cuddled with a boyfriend or girlfriend so it's nice to have Jenna with me like this. It feels warm, cozy and relaxed. It's nice. Jenna makes it nice, which is something else to appreciate Jenna for." Lynn thinks with a smile. 

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