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Beatrice was helping Satomi and Deaton with bringing Reed Schall into the Animal Clinic, as she had extra strength that Deaton didn't, despite her small and thin build. Beatrice had missed most of the plague that had taken the pack, as she had been with Brett and Lori.

"How does it begin?" Deaton asked as Beatrice had helped get Reed into a chair and she was standing next to Satomi, swiftly now, watching the disease take over.

"With fever. Then our shifting becomes uncontrollable. Fangs, claws, even full, unwarranted transformations. We moved into the woods when that began." Reed was growling in the background of his alpha's words and Beatrice rested her hand on his arm, taking some of his pain in the only clue, that she knew a way to help. "Then it progressed faster and faster. They couldn't stand. But worse than all of that was this sudden blindness." Satomi explained and Deaton looked up at her.

"Total?" Deaton asked.

"They couldn't see a thing. From there, they only had a few minutes left." Satomi explained sadly and Deaton, he got up as Beatrice stepped back from taking Reed's pain and she nearly fell over.

"I'm going to be truly honest with you, Satomi. We need to get him to a hospital." Deaton admitted and Satomi's eyes widened a bit.

"That has never really been an option for our kind. Unless, you know something I don't." Satomi was correct on that and Deaton was shaking his head.

"Not something, but someone."

"Melissa McCall?" Beatrice guessed and Deaton nodded as Beatrice looked at Satomi. "We can trust her. Her son is Scott McCall, the True Alpha." She said and Satomi nodded.

"Back into the car." Satomi noted and Beatrice helped Reed quickly and swiftly, right back up onto his feet and they were getting out of the Animal Clinic as fast as they were able to.

||Beacon Memorial Hospital||

Casey had pulled up another chair now to sit down next to Derek, as they both watched over Braeden, who they had gotten to the hospital in time.

"What's that?" Derek asked.

"Naloxone, right?" Casey signed at Melissa, who nodded a little bit at the correct assumption.

"Exactly, Casey. Naloxone. We need to wake her up." Melissa explained and a moment later, Braeden shot awake with a shocked gasp. "Braeden, look at me. You were shot, but you're in the hospital now and you're fine. Do you understand?" Melissa asked and soon after, the mercenary nodded quickly.


Reed died in the elevator and Beatrice's eyes glowed golden with grief, as she let go of Reed's hand and she looked at Satomi. "How many are left?" She asked quietly.

"You, Brett, Lori, four others and me." Satomi whispered and Beatrice was looking at her hands, which were not only trembling, but also her claws were exposed. "You must pull yourself back." Satomi reminded her and Beatrice shut her eyes, as she was focusing and her claws, they had successfully disappeared.


"It is a new variant of canine distemper. A few years ago, an outbreak in Yellowstone killed 40% of the wolf population." Deaton was explaining and Beatrice was standing next to Satomi, while Casey and Derek had walked into the morgue as well.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now