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"Strange Frequencies"


Satomi sighed at the sight of Beatrice lying on the couch, as she looked over at Brett.

"So when you absorbed her pain away, her condition... it seemed to improve?" Satomi questioned and Brett nodded slightly at the words, as he sighed.

"But, what is happening to her? I mean... Have you ever seen anything like this before in your time as a werewolf? At all?" Brett asked as he looked at his Alpha, who... was also in the eyes of the law, his guardian.

"Never. But, you said that the talons of a were-creature... Those were what did this to you?" Satomi asked Beatrice, who was nodding and Satomi sighed. "I have never heard of such a creature, but... that does not mean that it does not exist. It was a creature, that I only thought I would ever simply read about."

"A freaking massive werewolf, with the talons of a harpy eagle." Beatrice muttered as Satomi sighed at the words.

Casey walked into the loft again and Beatrice looked around Satomi and Brett, as Casey was signing quickly as she walked over. "Sorry I'm late." She signed and Beatrice's eyes were once again dimming. "Any ideas as to what is happening?" She asked Satomi, who was shaking her head.

Satomi was walking over to Beatrice who grunted in pain, right before she was managing to sit up with effort on the couch and now the expressions on the Alpha's face, they were amused by the effort. "You always want to look a person in the eyes..."

"No matter what. Whether it be an obnoxious opponent or a good friend, your worst enemy or your best defender." Beatrice said and Satomi inclined her head in a nod, as she was reaching out a hand and she rested it on Beatrice's arm.

Beatrice exhaled in clear relief, and her eyes shone icy blue and the glow got steadily brighter, with the more pain that Satomi was taking from her and Satomi took her hand away. "This technique that we are using as of now, the technique of the pain absorption. It is only a temporary solution, you must understand this." Satomi explained as Beatrice was nodding.

"I understand. Satomi, you risk the two options of either dying from all of the pain, or of losing your alpha spark to save me." Beatrice muttered quietly and she winced, as the glow faded out of her eyes. "And, we all know what happens if a Beta wolf takes too much pain from somebody on their own." She muttered a bit and Brett sighed at the words.

"A Beta wolf will die." Brett said quietly, only saying what the three of them present were all thinking inside of their heads. "So, what do we do? I mean, we can't keep up this pain thing forever." Brett said and Satomi sighed.

"Follow me, Brett." Satomi said and she motioned out of the door, as Brett followed her and she shut the door between them. "Do you understand what is happening to her?" Satomi's eyes asked a great deal many more questions than her voice did, as Brett sighed.

"She is dying from this, whatever happened to her with those talons, whatever happened on the last full moon, isn't she?" Brett asked quietly and Satomi inclined her head slightly in a soft nod and silently, quietly, he was shaking his head. "This can't be happening." He said and with empathy in them, Satomi's eyes shone red.

"You simply cannot deny, that is what you are able to see." Satomi said and Brett's teeth were grinding together and he felt tears in his eyes at the wise words.

"What can I do?" Brett asked and she looked at him, just before she nodded at his pocket, where his phone was buzzing. "It's Lori... what am I going to tell her?" Brett asked quietly and, the tears were beginning to fall.

"You should bring your sister. To say your goodbyes, properly, to the youngest Hale." Satomi said and they both looked up quickly at the sound of the door being forced open.

Beatrice was looking at them and defiantly, her eyes were shining icy blue. "People can say goodbye to me, when I'm dead. But, right now, I need to help a friend." Beatrice said as they looked at each other, a tense stand-off and Brett sighed. Casey followed Beatrice out and she was shaking her head in protest, but Beatrice wasn't listening and was also ignoring Casey.

"Where are you going?" He asked as Beatrice was shaking her head at him and she was limping quickly down the hallway, moving as fast as she was able. "Beat, wait up." Brett said and he was easily able to catch her. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Sorry Brett." Brett didn't have time to register what that meant, before her fist slammed into his jaw. Brett looked at her briefly, right before he dropped like a sack of potatoes. "But, I need to do this, myself." Beatrice said and she was racing off.

Beatrice was pushing herself to the absolute limit of what her currently, very weak level of remaining powers were. Beatrice leapt into the air and she slammed into the back of the nearest of the three Dread Doctors, who was getting much too close for comfort, to Liam and Hayden.

Beatrice roared in a fury as she managed to roll away, barely before the Dread Doctor was able to crush her, against the wall of the boys' locker room. Beatrice put herself in between the Dread Doctors and the duo of terrified teenagers and she was snarling loudly at the trio.

"Little Hale." The one with the cane that she had attempted to maul before had now spoken up, as Beatrice could feel her strength waning already as her time was running out. "You are now... finally, ready to awaken."

"I don't need to awaken anything in me! Stay away from my friends." She snarled out the sentences in desperation, until she swung at one of the Dread Doctors, who caught her swing and she was yelling in pain, and the masked man was breaking her arm.

"You will awaken." Beatrice was feeling weaker by the minute, as the Dread Doctors looked at her. "You will awaken." He said and she saw blackness at the edge of her vision, as she was shaking her head, trying to clear it.

"Liam, take Hayden and run!" She croaked out the words but at the edge of her vision, she could see that Liam and Hayden were trapped, backed up against a row of lockers, and, the last thing that she saw before she blacked out, was Liam roaring.

Casey ran into the locker room, only to see that the Dread Doctors were gone along with Beatrice, Hayden and Liam. "No." She rasped and the others followed her into the room and Casey was on the ground, as tears ran down her face.

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