The meet up.

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Later that night outside the location of the meet, Officer Kim Burgess, standing by her car, with Officer Adam Ruzek, sitting in the passenger seat.

Hey, boss what time is the bust?

Just keep waiting, hes gonna show.

In the distant, a car driving at slow speed, came up to the car. A man matching Austins description, inside the car. Are you Charlie Stone?

Yes, I am, Austin?

Uh, whos in the car with you?

Oh, hes okay, hes my boyfriend Mike, youve seen him around.

Right in the text you said you needed some stuff to get though classes.

Yeah, its just with work and school, its been hard to concentrate, do you have the stuff?

How much can you buy?

Um, how much will 350 cover?

That amount, I can include some of my new stuff, its more intense then Im sure youre use too, but it will help you.

Okay, sounds good. Kim handing over the money, and taking the drugs from Austin.

Jay, Kevin and Voight all rushed the car.

CPD! Hands up.

Austin put his hands up. You set me up?

Um.. No I think you set me up.

Na, there no way in hell youre Charlie, little girl was shorter then you are and her boyfriend doesnt exist.

Back at the district in the interrogation room.

Voight and Jay walked into the room.

Austin Fieldman, arrested for drug possession and distribution, and you selling to high school kids. Imagine how it will look when you walk out of the district and we drop word youre helping us with cases.

You wouldnt dare?

You tried to sell to high school kids what did you think was gonna happen?

I can give you my supplier and I can help you put him away.

Voight looking at Jay. That was fast, set it up.

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