Charlie angry with Jay

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Outside the district.

Inside by the Desk Sargent desk Trudy stood. Hey Sarge, can you help Charlie with this, shes testing out of high school so she can start college in the fall.

Oh anything for my favorite junior crime fighter. But why cant you help her?

If I dont have anything then Ill come back down for her, but in case a case pops off, I want to make sure shes in good hands.

Flattery will get you very far Detective.

Jay kissing Charlie on the head. You be good.

Bye dad.

Upstairs in the bullpen Jay pulls both Kim and Adam into the kitchen. Hey, so I just want you both to know, Kim you were the reason Charlie didnt want to leave 51 last night. Now I dont blame you. Charlie told me she doesnt know why, but something triggered her, and she went back to that night. So for now only I will be picking her up from places.

Kim worried. Jay Im sorry. You know I would never intentionally hurt Charlie.

No Kim I know that. I think because you and Romen took her home when she was abducted thats why she was hesitant, but I appreciate you and Ruzek taking time out of your night to try and bring her here for me.

So how do we. Adam pointing to himself and Kim. Get her to a place where she can trust us?

The unfortunate thing is that it has nothing to do with getting her back to where she can trust you, she trusts both of you, but for some reason her mind went back to the day she was taken to Mexico. Its a try and feel her out type of situation. The fire house is already aware of the situation. Kelly and Stella have already offered to keep her if it comes to that.

Voight came out of his office. We dont have anything today, so if youre caught up on paperwork, you can call it a day.

Jay and Hailey shared a look. Hey Sarge. Um, Charlie is downstairs shes with Platt, studying for her exam, so she can test out of high school. Did you want some time with her?

You know I would love to have her over.

Great, Ill go let her know.

Downstairs at the desk. Hey Sarge. Um, Voight would like to spend time with Charlie.

Trudy looking at Charlie. Well go give this to Voight and let him help you.

Okay. Thank you, Trudy.

Oh, it was my pleasure sweetie. Good luck.

Upstairs in the quite office. Um, dad where did everyone go?

Well, we didnt have any cases and were caught up on the paperwork, so Voights giving us the day off.

Charlie had a confused look on her face. So. Why am I not going home with you? And instead, grandpa wants to spend time with me?

Well, you havent really seen him in a while, and he misses spending time with you.

Charlie looking at Hailey. Its so you can spend time with your wife, and you dont want me around.

No, honey its not like that. Grandpa really does miss spending time with you. Ill come and pick you up in a few hours. Voight is staying in the office; he has paperwork to finish and going over our paperwork.

Charlie just walked out of the district and called Kelly Severide.

Inside the Firehouse Severide was changing. Hey Charlie. Whats up honey?

Dad and Hailey want to pawn me off on Grandpa because they dont have any cases and they want to be alone without me, can I stay with you and Stella?

Yeah, where are you?

Outside the district.

Ill be over in ten minutes.

Outside the District Charlie was pacing around waiting for Kelly and Stella.

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