Jay getting to the root of a problem

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After Charlie went to her room. Jay and Hailey sat on the couch. She hates me.

No, its been a rough day for her. Haliey just try to remember Erin was about to adopt her when she was forced to leave, dont hold anything she says or does against her.

Right. So why are you coming in so late?

I asked Kim and Adam to get Charlie but something Adam said triggered Charlie so she stayed at 51, and I had to get her.

Does that happen often?

Me needing to get Charlie?

No, she not going with a member of Intelligence?

Well the last time Kim and Sean took her home, Kim was hit over the head and Charlie was taken for four and half months. I was just hopeful she knew Id be there when she got back. But I understand.

Well then maybe its Kim whos the issues and not Adam? Hailey mentioned.

Oh, I never thought of that. Jay walking out of the living room and in front of Charlies closed door.

The next morning.

Hailey was up and ready, Jay was still sleeping as was Charlie.

Hailey kissed the top of Jays head. Ill see you at work.

Jay woke up an hour later and went to wake Charlie up. Um, Charlie we over slept. Come on.

Five minutes later both Charlie and Jay were ready.

At the school. Jay walked into the office and saw Ms. Lange.

Good morning Ms. Lange. Is the practice test for Charlie ready?

Yes. I have them right here. I suggest Charlie not write on them but use a separate piece of paper to answer them.

Okay. Thank you for this.

On the drive to work, Jay started the uncomfortable conversation. Hey, so Hailey brought it to my attention last night.

Oh this is going to be good.

What exactly did Adam say to set you off.

Why does everyone think Adam set me off?

Jay was unsure what to say. Oh, I just.. Charlie does Kim make you uneasy?

Not uneasy. But the last time she took me somewhere. I was raped.

Jay covered his hand over his mouth. Oh honey Im. Im so sorry. I thought everything was okay between you too.

We are. We are good. I just dont know what happened last night. I just went back to the night I was raped.

I understand baby. Pulling Charlie in so he can kiss her forehead. Im sorry you have to deal with this. I wish I could take your pain away.

Thank you dad. But you cant. Nobody can.

Outside the district.

Inside by the Desk Sargent desk Trudy stood. Hey Sarge, can you help Charlie with this, shes testing out of high school so she can start college in the fall.

Oh anything for my favorite junior crime fighter. But why cant you help her?

If I dont have anything then Ill come back down for her, but in case a case pops off, I want to make sure shes in good hands.

Upstairs in the bullpen Jay pulls both Kim and Adam into the kitchen. Hey, so I just want you both to know, Kim you were the reason Charlie didnt want to leave 51 last night. Now I dont blame you. Charlie told me she doesnt know why, but something triggered her, and she went back to that night. So for now only I will be picking her up from places.

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