Jays interrogation

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At the intelligence unit Jay and Atwater escorted Josh and Kristan to two different interrogation rooms.
Jay took Josh while Voight took Kristan.
Jay explained. "Just so you know I know everything; Charlie's been in the hospital twenty-seven times; broken arms, fingers, broken eye sockets, four broken legs, broken jaw, the list goes on, but what got me was this little note the doctors put in." Jay sat on the table next to him. "You had sex with your fourteen year ago old daughter? What you had to prove you were a man, beating her wasn't enough?"
"The little bitch actually said I had sex with her?"
Jay grabbed Josh and threw him against the wall. Olinsky and Ruzek pulled Jay off Josh.
"Hey Jay come on let him go." Ruzek said. "I'll stay with him you go be with Charlie."
"I'll drive you okay." Olinsky offered.
"No, I can drive myself, but thanks for the offer."
In the other room Voight and Antonio were talking to Kristan.
"So I have here your daughters medical file." Voight sitting down. "The list shows twenty-seven visits, four broken legs, broken jaw, broken eye sockets, fingers, arms, but what has Jay in a rage is you let your husband rape your daughter, then you threw her out."
"I did no such thing. If Charlie had just waited none of this would've happened. Josh had a stressful day, but Charlie just kept pushing."
Antonio stepped in. "Your daughter just wanted you or him to sign a damn paper for school, but instead of protecting her, now she has to go to a foster home."
Kristan's body language changed. "What do you mean foster home? Jay said he had Charlie and that she was safe." Kristan crying. "My baby girl."
"Where was this when your husband was beating your daughter?"
"Josh has a temper, I didn't want him beating me too, so I just stood there, I made sure Charlie was okay after Josh was done."
"And that makes it better?" Antonio raising his voice.
"But Jay can take her in right? She can live with him right?"
"We'll see." Voight said acting nonconfidently.

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