Full duty

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A month later Jay and Charlie walked into 21st and Platt stopped them.

"Hey Halstead. City Hall left this for you and Lindsay." Handing the envelope over to Jay. "Here you go."

"Thanks Sarge, come on Charlie." Punching numbers in and putting his hand on the pad. "Ladies first. Hey Erin the papers are back."

"Oh, wonderful, have you opened them yet?" Wrapping her arms around Charlie.

"Platt just handed the envelope to me. I'm doing it now." Opening the envelope and reading the letter. Jay took a long pause before he answered, then he looked at Erin then at Charlie. "Um, ladies.... We.... Got the approval."

"Really! Oh this is amazing." Hugging Jay tightly then jumped over to Erin. "I finally found my family, my real family." Letting them go. "So when do we make it official?"

"Next month, thats the earliest the courts will let us have." Jay smiled. 

Sargent Platt walked in. "Hey Voight a woman named Bunny is looking for you?"

"I'll be down in a second." Looking at Erin. "You stay up here okay." Walking down the stairs. "Bunny what are you doing here?"

"Well I've been calling Erin, but she won't answer or call me back, can you talk to her she listens to you."

Jay, Charlie, and Erin walked down to see Bunny.

"Hey mom." Erin said coldly. "What are you doing here?"

Voight turned around. "I thought I told you three to stay upstairs."

Jay and Erin shared a  look. "Sorry Voight it was my fault."

Josh's brother Bryan walked into the building. "I'm looking for Jay Halstead or Erin Lindsay?"

Platt pointed. "Over their."

Erin walked Charlie over to the secured door. "Stay in here you're safer in here."

Jay and Voight were guarding the stairs. "I'm Jay Halstead and you are?"

"I'm Charlie's legal guardian my brother made it so, so hand Charlie over."

Jay punched Bryan in the face. "Don't ever come near or around here or Charlie ever again." Jay felt Voight pulling him back. "Sarge let me go!" Walking over to Bryan. "Your brother was sick. I don't want to see you ever again." Picking Bryan up by his jacket and pushed him out the door. Voight resting his hand on Jay's shoulder.

"Jay you need to check on Charlie. Erin you too, go." Looking over at Bunny. "What did you expect. You've been in and out of her life, Erin's my family too, but give her time, if you keep pushing she'll keep distancing herself. That I know from experience."

Bunny said annoyed. "Voight! Johnny and I want Erin in our lives, I want Johnny and Erin to get to know each other. Please help me?"

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