Charlie opening up after Mexico.

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Charlie clung to Jay. "It was so bad. He let those men rape me."

"Come on lets talk in the living room." Jay rubbing Charlie's back.

Out in the living room, Jay grabbed two waters.

"He didn't even care we were family."

"Talk to me what happened?"

Charlie was quite, a long pause. "Four and a half months. Bryan took there money, and gave them an hour, and drugged me. Five men in one day." Charlie started crying. "Every single day for those four month; I had to service five men a day, so every week I had sex with thirty-five men. I am so sorry Jay."

"Hey why are you sorry, you did nothing wrong, Bryan was wrong, he's spending the rest of his life in prison."

"How did you find me anyways?"

"Those." Jay pointed to her necklaces. "Charlie I'm sorry it took us so long, but commander Fisher wanted proof and I got it, with your help."

Charlie just hugged Jay and didn't let go.

"Wow, I didn't think I'd be getting one of these for a while. But thank you."

"I know, I need to trust people again, I live with you so."

"Well I'm glad I'm first, so today is all about you."

"I'm hungry." Rubbing her stomach.

"Well its noon time, what do you want for lunch?"

"Can we go see mom and have lunch together?"

"Are you sure thats what you want?"

"Dad I need this."

"Alright, get dressed."

Back at the district everyone was finishing up case files.

Jay and Charlie walked in and everyone just smiled. Platt came out from behind her desk.

"Hey Charlie how are you doing?"

"Well I'm in pain, having nightmares, and flashbacks a lot."

Jay rubbing Charlie's shoulders. "We have a date with mom, come on."

Upstairs Charlie and Jay walked in. Erin jumped up. "Sweetie what are you doing here?"

"I wanted us to have lunch and I wanted to see you and everyone."

Erin smiled and hugged Charlie. "Oh sweetie you're the best. Um Jay and I need to talk first." Jay looked a little worried. In the break room. "So last night, Casey, Gabby and Serveride were at Molly's and during the game they mentioned Charlie's situation and they raised money for her, they raised a little over twenty-five hundred dollars. So what do you want to do with it?"

"First of all thank them, then pay her hospital bill, Charlie told me some of the things she went through in Mexico, maybe she can stay with you tonight, maybe she'll feel more open around you?"

"Yeah I'd love to have her over." Both Jay and Erin watched Charlie interact with everyone.

Voight walked in." Charlie? What are you doing here?"

"Dad and I wanted to have lunch with mom." Charlie started bending over and holding her stomach, tears pouring down her face. "Ah the pain."

Antonio and Ruzek moved Charlie to the ground. "Jay, Erin! Get out here."

"Oh my god what happened?"

"She just bent over and said she was in pain." Seeing blood. "Jay she's bleeding." Seeing Jay pick her up.

"Hang on baby, Charlie sweetie open your eyes, come on open them for daddy."

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