Jay's guardian test.

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"How about putting it away." Jay asked parking the car. "Come on lets go."

Upstairs in the office. "Charlie hand over your phone, while you start your homework."

Holding onto her phone. "I can't I'm expecting important texts and phone calls. I promise to not look at my phone unless, the texts or call come in."

"Really this isn't a negotiation. " Putting his hand out. "Hand it over, you can have it back after your homework is done."

"Okay here you go." Handing her phone over without a fight. Charlie went into the break room and started working on her homework.

Jay turned towards Erin's desk and Antonio was standing there. "Hey Antonio was that normal? I mean you have kids."

"That was weird I couldn't get my kid to give up her phone even if I paid her."

Charlie had her tablet hiding in her bag texting and had video chats with Kensi and Mike. "Hey so on the algebra homework I'm stuck what did you get?" Mike putting his notebook in view of Charlie. "Thanks babe."

About an hour later Charlie came out of the break room. "I finished."

"Well I need to check it." Looking over at Antonio. "But I trust you." Handing Charlie her phone.

Charlie looked down at her phone. "I don't deserve this, I used my tablet and video chatted Kensi and Mike for the answers, I wanted my phone back, so I took the easy way out." Handing it back over. "I'll just be sitting in the break room, doing my other homework."

Antonio walked up behind Jay. "Charlie's not a normal teenager. What did her parents do to her?"

"That must be it, she's use to getting beaten, and locked up, maybe she's waiting to see my reaction?"

Antonio sitting on the edge of Erin's desk. "Jay just remind her your not her father, you wouldn't hurt her; and just keep your tone calm."

"Yeah." Getting up and walking over to the break room. "Hey can I come in?"

Charlie looking down. "Yeah?"

"So we need to talk." Taking a seat. "Hey." Lifting her chin with his hand. "Look I know what you're waiting for, I'm not your father, my job as your uncle/ guardian, I will ground you, and take away your electronics but I will never hit you. You have my word." Looking into Charlie's watery eyes. "I promise you will be safe with me." Putting Charlie's phone on the table. "We have to establish trust so, this is me trusting you."

Handing Jay her notebook with her finished homework.

"I'll fully check it when we get home okay." Kissing Charlie on the top of her head.

Later that night Jay and Erin dropped Charlie off at his place. "Um so the team is going out to Molly's for drinks, you okay here by yourself for a few hours?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay bed by eleven."

"Okay." After Jay and Erin left Charlie went through her bags and found her fake I.D's. "I'm calling Mike and having a little party at Molly's." Calling Mike. "Hey babe can you come get me?"

"Yeah send me your address." Writing down the address ten minutes later Mike was knocking on Jay's front door. "Hey babe. So where are we going?"

Charlie waving her I.D. "I need a drink, Molly's is a great place to go, can you drive me their?"

"Yeah, come on."

Down at Molly's all the fire fighters, CPD and other people were there.

"Hey Mike you don't have to stay, if you go it's fine." Charlie said showing her I.D to Christopher.

"Yeah call me when you're done."

Charlie sat down at the bar. "Do you have any twisted teas?"

"Never thought of you as a beer drinker?" Putting it on the table.

"Well when I was younger a person I looked up to forced me to drink these, I just want to feel the pain again."

Matthew Casey was at the bar next to Charlie. "Well whats a pretty girl like you doing alone in a bar?"

"Can you keep a secret? My father was a bastard, he forced me to drink, so one night after he got drunk I called the cops, now I feel empty inside, so I figured I could drink some pain into me."

"Well I'm Matt, but everyone calls me by my last name Casey. Why don't you come join us?"

Looking over at Jay and Intelligence. "Na, I'm good, I'd just like to drink in peace, please."

"Okay, well do you have someone taking you home?"

"Yeah, thank you for caring Casey. Um I'm just going to finish this and head home." Pulling out her wallet.

"No, its okay I got it." Turning around back towards the table. "Jay. Look at the lonely girl at the bar, go talk to her."

Jay looked and noticed Charlie, then nudged everyone at the table.

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