Cases and protections

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Charlie had a look on her face that worried Erin. "Hey kid you okay?"

"I think Jay's mad at me?"

"Why do you think that? What happened?"

"I gave Kensi my house key, because Bryan's been harassing her, and then Jay just kind of ignored me."

"No it's this case, don't worry I'll talk to him."

In the interrogation room. Jay and Antonio questioned Kyle and Jamie.

Jay opened a case file. "Do you remember Dom and Spot the two who tried to kill you and your family, we'll they're at County waiting for you." Closing the file. "Or we can avoid this all together and you both start talking."

Kyle started talking first. "The two-three's promised us protection, as long as we joined there gang. So for Jessie and Paige we did, but then Christian started asking us to run errands for him, if we refused, lets just say having guns pointed at us doesn't scare us anymore."

"Then what happened?"

"Christian heard Latin Priests were recruiting, so it became a challenge of who can recruit the most and fastest."

"So now its a gang war?" Jay asked.

"Christian put a hold on it until we bring more kids in."

"How nice of him, so many more kids does Christian need?"

"Well he started with 26 and only nine of us are still standing, it'll take awhile to get those number back."

Antonio sitting on the table. "So this is what we're going to do; you and Jamie will go back to the two-three's, and act like nothing is wrong."

"What if they find out?"

"As long as you play it cool, Christian won't find out."

"What about our family?"

"When it comes to that we'll deal with it."

Kyle and Jamie walked out and went to the black Escalade parked out front. Christian yelled from the window. "Get in."

Later that night, Jay, Erin, and Charlie went to the apartment.

"Jay, Erin this is Kevin and Lucy Mitchell." Charlie looked at Kensi. "Um, for your protection, we're taking you to another location, until this is settled."

Kevin asked worried. " Are we in danger?"

"No, but we're taking two cars, I'm taking Charlie to the bar Molly's." Jay smiling down at Charlie. "While Erin takes you to her place, she'll text me, my friends at the fire house will watch Charlie, and I'll drive your car over and Erin will drive me back."

Lucy asked confused. "I don't get it?"

Charlie stepping. "Bryan wants me, if I'm seen in the car with Jay he'll follow us, allowing you to get away. Kevin, Lucy I am so sorry, I never meant for this to happen."

"We know that sweetheart."

After Jay and Charlie left a car started following them. Jay looking in his review mirror. "I think he's following us. Text Erin she's good." At Molly's. "Hey I need a huge favor from you guys?"

Kelly Severide asked. "What is it?"

"I need to keep Charlie here, can you watch her for me?"

"Yeah sure thing."

Jay pulled Charlie aside. "We will stop him, I promise." Kissing her forehead. Erin texted back. "Alright they're safe, i'll go grab Erin."

After Jay left Kelly and Herrmann talked to Charlie. Herrmann leaning over the bar. " Hey Charlie if you want to talk we can."

"It's Bryan my uncle, he's been harassing my friend Kensi and he's doing in hopes she's lead him to me."

"Is that why Jay left you here?" Herrmann pouring Charlie a club soda.

"Kensi and her family are in a safe location, Jay used me to draw Bryan out, so figuring the most public place is Molly's."

Bryan came up behind Charlie. "So Jay left you in a bar how nice."

Kelly punched Bryan and threw him out. " Charlie are you okay?"

Charlie held onto Kelly. "I didn't think he'd try anything." Crying in his arms.

*****An hour later*****

Jay and Erin walked into Molly's. "Charlie what happened?"

Kelly rubbing Charlie's arm. "Bryan was here, he talked to her, but I punched him and threw him out."

"Thanks Kelly." Erin hugged him.

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