Charlie's rescue

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Four and a half months after Charlie's uncle Bryan Stone kidnapped her, Jay and the team worked the case day and night. Bryan had flown he and Charlie to Tacate Mexico, where he used Charlie as a sex slave.

The morning of the rescue mission, Jay was pacing around his apartment when he remembered Charlie mentioned the necklaces she wore had tracking chips in them.

Jay flashing back to that night. Jay asked pointing to the necklaces. "Where did you get those?"

Charlie laying against Jay on the couch. "Josh bought them for me, but he put tracking chips in them, so he could know where I am at all times, the app was on his phone."

Jay came out of the flashback and called Voight. "Hey sarge do we still have Josh's phone in evidence?"

"Yeah, I think so why?"

"I think I can find Charlie. Can you call everyone in."

"Yeah sure."

At the district. Jay was down in the evidence locker, he found Josh's phone and found the app, with Charlie's exact location. Up in the office. "I've got her, she is in Mexico, let's tell commander Fisher and go get her."

Voight grinning."Let's go order a leer jet to Mexico."

Back in Mexico, Charlie was unconscious after the third man was done having sex with her, after the fourth man was done Charlie was bleeding badly, the jet landed right outside the building Bryan was keeping Charlie in.

"Ruzek, Atwater and Alvin, keep guard in case they want to protect Bryan." Voight yelled inside the jet.

Just as the fifth man was unzipping his pants, Jay, Erin, Voight and the team, busted down the door, the men dropped to the floor, Antonio and Voight arrested Bryan and the other guy, while Jay and Erin covered Charlie and shot the chains off. Jay and Antonio wrapped Charlie in blankets and jackets and carried her to the jet.

Jay yelled as Charlie was fighting him and Antonio. "Hey baby, you're safe now, daddy's got you." Charlie had stilled and rested her head in Jays arms and had fallen asleep.

Everyone just started at Charlie, who had fallen asleep, and bleeding, Alvin and Ruzek had the prisoner in the back, they called the Mexican police for the other guy.

Erin called for a helicopter to meet them at the airstrip.

At the airstrip Voight, Ruzek, Alvin and Atwater drove Bryan to 21 to have a little chat, the helicopter took Jay, Erin, Charlie and Antonio to Chicago med.

After the Intelligence unit rescued Charlie and flew her back to Chicago Gabby, Casey and Firehouse 51 were at the hospital to support Jay and Erin.

After the helicopter landed Dr. Connor Rhodes and nurses had a gurney. "Jay lay Charlie down."

"Charlie honey you're safe now, you can let go." Jay said trying to put Charlie down, but she won't let go of Jay.

Erin and Antonio had her hands and were prying them from Jay's neck. Erin rubbing Charlie's head. "Charlie you need to be examined but Connor can't examine you if you're holding onto Jay, we will be here the entire time, holding your hand okay."

Finally Charlie let Jay put her down. "Don't leave me."

"We're right here baby." In the examine room.

"Hey Charlie my good friend Dr, Ziniette will examine you, she's a girl too okay?"

Charlie nodded her head. "Daddy, mommy don't leave please."

"We're not going anywhere." Jay and Erin holding both of Charlie's hands.

"Hi, Charlie I'm Doctor Ziniette, but you can call me Sam, I'm be examining you today."

Out in the waiting room the whole firehouse was waiting.

Gabby went to Antonio who was covered in Charlie's blood. "Oh my god. Antonio are you okay?"

"Don't worry it's not mine, this is all Charlie's blood, bastard used her as a sex slave in Mexico, Jay and Erin are with her getting her examined, its bad."

Casey standing up. "What can we do?"

"I'm not sure."

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