Severide informs Jay of a situation.

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Severide drove over to Jay and Haileys place.

Inside Jay and Haileys place they were eating dinner when the doorbell sounded.

Oh Ill get it. Jay spoke, putting his food down. Oh hey its Severide. Hey man come inside. Whats up? Is it Charlie?

Is Hailey here?

Hailey. Its for you. Man whats up?

Hailey walked into the foyer. Whats up Kelly?

Hailey did you tell Charlie you dont believe that she was kidnapped and raped?

Jay getting defensive. What gives you the right to accuse Hailey of that?

Oh your daughter, Charlie thinks Hailey hates her, if you dont believe she was raped and kidnapped, did you even Google her name? If you did then you know everyone in and around Illinois wrote about her abduction and her safe return thanks to her family, you know the unit you work in, they rescued her.

Jay turned to Hailey. Hailey tell me this isnt true?

I. Jay I. Hailey was at a loss for words.

Get out. I cant be with someone who doesnt trust my daughter.

Jay wait. Its not that I dont believe her, but I mean come on, her uncle abducts her takes to Mexico and rapes her? Why take her all the way to Mexico to do that?

It wasnt him who raped her in Mexico, he pimped her out to the people, for money obviously, but taking her to Mexico was the perfect revenge since I had no jurisdiction, it took us four and half months to convince Commander Fisher to let us even go to Mexico, we had all the evidence we needed but they had to convince Mexican authorities to allow us to enter.

Hailey was speechless.

Kelly let himself out of the apartment, pulling out his phone and calling Stella.

Hey Stella where do you girls want pizza from?

Luigis can I have peperoni and sausage on it.

Yeah, can you call it in for me.

Yes of course husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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