SVU teams with Intelligance

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After Tammy left Jay's apartment, he and Erin were called into work.
Jay's phone was ringing. "Halstead? Yes sir we're on our way." Looking at Erin and Charlie. "Come on we're being called in." At intelligence. "Nadia can you watch Charlie for me please."
"Yeah, sure." Nadia holding her lunch. "Come on Charlie."
The intelligence unit and SVU teams went to the crime scene.
A girl no older then sixteen was dead on the ground, a huge gash on her head laying in a pool of blood, panties around her ankles and torn.
The medical examiner said. "Well the blow to her head killed her, there are signs of sexual assault, I'll run a rape kit and send you my finding and evidence from the rape kit."
While in an alley another girl is being raped, someone heard the girl crying and screamed for help.
Back at Intelligence Nadia was answering phone. "Intelligence unit? Oh they're all out on scene but I'll call and tell them." Calling Jay. "Jay it's Nadia, um you and Erin need to get to four-twenty-seven Parkinton lane, another girls been raped."
"Alright we're heading over." Looking over at Erin, Olivia, and Amaro. "We have another rape."
Olivia looking at Fin and Rollins. "You two got this with Antonio?"
"Yeah Liv, you go with Jay and Erin." Fin said bend to the ground looking for evidence.
At Parkington lane, Jay and Erin interviewed the out cry witness, while Olivia and Amaro talked to the victim, Olivia rode with the victim to Chicago medical.
At the hospital, in the victim's room.
"Hi my name is Olivia, can you tell me your name?"
"Cassie, I was wondering do you know who attacked you?"
He was tall maybe five eight, he's white, his knuckles were bloody like he'd been in fight before. He kept calling me Charlie and blaming me for him being arrested."
"Did he say anything else?"
"It still doesn't make any sense, but Jay can't protect you during school."
"Uh, I'll let you rest okay. "Calling Jay. "Where's Josh?"
"In our lock up why?"
"Some things the victim said sounded like Josh."

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