Cooperating suspect

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I can give you my supplier and I can help you put him away.

Voight looking at Jay. That was fast, set it up.

Jay and Austin stayed sitting and worked up a plan.

Out in the bullpen, Voight and Ruzek were talking, when Jay appeared with a notepad.

He gave up his supplier and youll never guess the name.

Well dont keep us in suspense. Whats the name?

Its James King. Like leader of the King crime family.

Whoa, we nabbed a big little fish. Voight looking at Jay. How do you want to handle this since Charlie gave us the intel?

Well need to keep Austin locked up, maybe drop him in a pit so he cant call James?

Are you asking or telling me?

Telling you.

Good. Lets give Austin the good news.

Back inside the interrogation room, Austin was sitting waiting for someone to return.

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