Charlie's back in surgery

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Connor evaluated Charlie. "Well I don't see why stretching your legs with your uncle Will would be a problem."

"Connor will you join us?"

"You know what Charlie I would love too, but It's your time with your Uncle, maybe I'll pop in for a jell-o snack?"


Down at the cafeteria Will bought lunch.

"Plain turkey on Rye, and water, so how are things with Dr. Charles?"

"Things are good. But Uncle Will you can ask Dr. Charles himself. I told him he can tell, you, Jay and Erin about my progress."

"Um, why are you being so open about this? I mean allowing Dr. Charles to tell us about your progress?"

"Honestly? To avoid this. I'm not exactly ready to talk about Bryan or what he did to me."

"Okay, we can change subject. Um, how's Kensi?"

"I haven't seen her either. She'll just blame herself for this." Charlie doubled over in pain. "Will It hurts." Suddenly blood gushed out.

"Hey I need some help!" Will pulling out his phone. "Connor get down here, something wrong." 

"Alright I'm going."

After they got Charlie up on the gurney, Will called Jay.

"Hey Jay, um it's about Charlie, you and Erin should come in, Charlie's back in  surgery."

Over in Intelligence.

Antonio, Jay and Ruzek were going through files, when jay's phone started ringing.

"Hey Will what's up?"

After Jay heard Charlie was going back into surgery, he grabbed Erin and left.

Looking at Antonio. "Tell Voight.... Charlie."

Back at Chicago Med Maggie was waiting for Jay and Erin to come.

"Will your brother is here."

"Jay, Erin over here. So, we were eating lunch, in the cafe when she started bleeding, I called up to Connor right away, Connor took over after that."

"Do you have anything to tell us?"

"Just that Connor is the best. He'll come find you both once he figured out what happened."

An hour later Sarah Reese walked over. "Hi, you're Charlie's parents right?"


"Okay , um, Dr. Rhodes will be down in a few minutes."

A few minutes later Connor walked out. "Um, Jay, Erin, so we were able to stop the bleeding, her ovaries ruptured, we stopped the bleed, she's in recovery, you both can see her." Looking at Sarah. "Would you please take them to see there daughter."

"Please follow me."

Up in the recovery room, Charlie was asleep.

Jay pulled a chair over. "Hey sweetie. Mom and I are both here. we just want you to rest. I promise we won't leave you again."

Erin leaned over. "Hey sweetie it's mom. Love you so much, you are being so strong and I am so proud of you."

Voight and the rest of the team arrived.

Sharon stopped Voight and his unit.

"Hank I'm sorry, but only Jay and Erin are allowed in right now, once she's back in her room, you guys can see her."

"Well I'll have an officer posted outside her door. Nobody is getting to my granddaughter again."

"I'll let my staff know."

Connor and April went to check on Charlie.

April checked Charlie's vitals, while Connor gave Charlie more morphine to ease the pain.

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