Charlie's sedative

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Jay left the decision up to Charlie.

"If I do this will I remember Mexico and Bryan?"

"I can't promise anything. But I know you won't need anymore surgery's."

"Okay I want to do it."

"I'll let Jay know."

Connor stepped outside and spoke to Jay. "Um, so Charlie wants to be sedated."

"Okay, I will sign the consent forms. Thank you for talking to her."

"Oh it's no problem." Looking at Maggie. "Um, lets get the sedatives' ready."

"Yes Doctor." Maggie typing away on her phone.

Connor and Maggie began administering the sedative. "Okay Charlie start counting backwards from 100 for me okay."

"100, 99, 98, 9........" Charlie started to drift off to sleep.

Connor walked out. "Okay Charlie is all set, we'll give it a few days, check her progress."

"Can we see her?" Erin asking.

"Yeah you guys can see her."

One week later

Monday morning, Maggie was in checking on Charlie calling Doctor Sam Ziniette

"Doctor can i have you consult in here please."

"Yeah Maggie, how can i help?"

"Do you think Charlie is ready to come off sedation?"

"Oh yes let me examine her." Looking at Maggie. "Let me consult with Dr. Rhodes."

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