Miracles happen.

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"Daddy come back, I need you." Looking up at the ceiling. "Please don't take Jay away from me, he's not done being a father to me." Holding Jay's hand. "Daddy please wake up."

Voight knocking on the door. "Charlie. Antonio and I talked, if you want to be tested, we'll let you do it."

Charlie jumped up and hugged Voight. "Thank you so much." Out in the halls with Antonio. "Thank you so much." Hugging him tightly.

In the blood lab the lab tech drew Charlie's blood and ran it against that of both Jay and Erin's. After the test was complete, Ethan was talking with Voight and Antonio. Charlie was back in the room with Jay and Erin.

"Don't worry I'm gonna fix this, I'll save you both. Voight and Antonio are talking to the doctors, we'll find out the results soon."

Ethan walked in. "Charlie you match both Jay and Erin, now I've talked to both Voight and Antonio, they said its up to you. What do you want to do?"

Voight and Antonio were standing in the doorway. "Charlie it's up to you."

Looking at Jay and Erin. "I want to do this."

"I'll get them peeped for surgery," grabbing three nurses. "We need to get these three prepped for surgery."

"Right away doctor." Wheeling Jay and Erin out of the room. "ms. will you follow me please." 

Chicago PD: Jay's niece.Where stories live. Discover now