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After the explosion..........

"Mouse what happened?" Charlie jumped from her seat.

"Hold on." Clicking on everyone. "Team 1 and 2 this is Mouse come in? Do you copy?"

Outside O'Hara, unbeknown to Mouse, everyone got out.

Jay on the coms. "Mouse it's Jay we're all fine.""

"Oh thank god." Charlie spoke.

Jay asked. "Mouse is Charlie with you?"

"um, yeah."

"Just tell her I'll be back soon."

Mouse took Charlie back upstairs, to help her finish her school work.

"Okay kiddo time to finish your school work."


"Wow a teenager who actually listens, that's rare."

"Well I think it about this way, when dad was uncle Jay he didn't have to take me in, I could be living in foster care right now, or I could still be Bryan's sex slave, so listening and doing as I'm told isn't too much to ask for."

Jay asking. "Is that what you think?"


"Uh, Jay I didn't know you'd be back."

"Charlie do you really think I'd ever leave you?"

"No, never thats why I said 'He didn't have to.'" 

"Okay, so how's the school work coming along?"

"On the last page now."

"You finished four and half months of school work in four days that's impressive."

"Well the first two days, I couldn't sleep, so I did a large amount of it."

"I wish I knew about that."

"I tried to sleep, but I kept on seeing Bryan's face, so I started my school work."

"Next time wake me up."


Voight let everyone out early.

Charlie took a nap in her room, when suddenly Bryan and Mexico flooded her dreams. "No! Bryan stop please!" Charlie screamed. 

Jay and Erin ran in. "Charlie! Charlie honey it's just a dream, you're home, safe and sound."

Charlie had tears falling. "No. Bryan please stop."

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