Jay's biggest decision.

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Connor walked over. "Jay, um I need to ask you and Erin to sign this form, allowing me to put Charlie in a medically induced coma, it will allow her body to recovery at a much faster rate, then if she were conscience. I have to ask, as Charlie is still a minor, and the hospital is liable if you so choose to sue us, for any reason."

"Will this hurt Charlie?"

"This option does allow Charlie's body to recovery faster, this just shows I put Charlie's health first, I won't lie to you, if Charlie was my daughter, I wouldn't do it, only because with my family's history, she'd have a greater chance of staying in that coma, but with your medical history, Charlie would be fine, but with her age and her weight size, the medication would take a bit longer to wear off, like if you or Erin were put under it would take a week, where as in Charlie's case she might wake after say two weeks." Connor, took a breath. "But again, I'm giving you and Charlie my best clinical opinion, I would go with the coma, just for her safety."

Jay looked at Erin. "Erin, um, I know you love Charlie like yours, but only I can make this decision, I hope you understand."

"I understand."

"Um, Connor what if I choose not to sign this what happens?"

"I mean nothing really, Charlie's already sleeping, I gave her a morphine drip, this was just to prevent a possible surgery or another rupture."

"I'll sign it, but can we wait until she wakes up and tells us how she feels?"

"Yes of course."

Back in Charlie's room.

Charlie was talking in her sleep.

Flashback: Bryan taking money from men, men raping Charlie.

"No. Please stop. Bryan please stop."

"Shut up you little whore, I'll drug you if i have to."

Charlie fighting underneath the man's body, pulling on her chains.

The man slapped Charlie across the face.

Bryan came back in with a syringe. "I tried to warn you, but no. Here try this." Injecting the liquid into her arm. "It's ketamine."

Charlie started screaming for Jay.

Flashback ends.

Charlie started screaming for Jay out loud. Charlie woke up screaming Jay's name. "Daddy. Daddy it was like i was back in Mexico, the men, the drugs. It's all to real."

"Hey baby I won't let anyone near you ever again. Sargent Platt has detailed ten officers to this post, Kim and Sean are your guards we only trust them to watch you."

"Thank you daddy."

Jay kissing Charlie's head. 'Hey baby, um Connor needs to explain something to you. Do you want me to stay?"

"Um, no thank you."

"Okay I'll be outside."

"So, I asked Jay to give me permission to put you in a medically induced coma, it'll allow your body to recover; the only thing is while your body recovers you'll be asleep. Jay has asked to wait and see how you feel, It's your choice Charlie."

"I don't want to relive Mexico ever again, if I allow you to do this, will I relive Mexico?"

"Charlie I can't guarantee anything, but I know that you won't need anymore surgery's." 

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