Chicago Med.

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Back in the examine room. Charlie was fighting Dr. Ziniette, so Jay and Erin distracted her.

"Hey Charlie so I had Gabby talk to Ms. Lang about your school situation, during break you can catch up on your work."

Dr. Ziniette asked for both Jay and Erin. "Detectives may I see you outside please." Out in the halls. "She has extreme vaginal tearing, and whoever did this caused damage to her reproductive organs, we'll stitch her up, she may need surgery, we'll test for any STD's. We should get back in there." Back in the room. "Hey Charlie, I need to stitch you up down their, I need you to remain calm and relaxed okay."

Charlie nodded her head and just looked into Jay and Erin's eyes.

Jay said rubbing Charlie's head. "You are being so brave I am so proud of you."

"Charlie you're so much stronger then I was at your age."

Doctor Ziniette smiled. "All done. Charlie you were great."

Jay smiled. "We're just going to talk to the doctor's outside okay."

After everyone left Charlie turned and broke down crying, later as the day had gone on everyone from 51 and Intelligence sat with Charlie and checked on her.

Casey and Gabby saw Charlie. "Hey kid how you doing?"

Charlie was silent, she would just look away from time to time.

"Casey lets, let Charlie rest, I'll go grab your parents okay."

"I'll go grab them." Out in the waiting room. "Um, maybe visitors aren't best right now, but she responded when we mentioned you two."

"Alright thanks Casey." Jay rubbing his eyes.

When Jay and Erin checked on Charlie she was asleep, but they watched and stayed at her bedside.

Later that night Charlie started waking up, Charlie was talking in her sleep. "Bryan.... Please.... I'm sorry. Bryan no stop." Charlie woke up in a panic. "Bryan stop."

"Charlie sweetie you're okay." Jay jumping up from his chair. "You're in the hospital, your safe."

"Where's Bryan?"

"Crook county a waiting trial." Sitting on Charlie's bed. "Do you want to talk?"

Charlie was so scared being around Jay, Charlie was in tears when Jay sat near her. "I can't. You can't."

Jay quickly getting up. "Okay. Do you want Erin?" 

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