Jay spots Charlie.

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An hour after Jay and the intelligence unit found Charlie at Molly's.

Charlie was face to face with Ruzek at the bar. "Hey, can we get some coffee at the shop down the street?"

"Na, I'm good, right here, but thank you."

"It really wasn't a request darling."

Jay whispered into Charlie's ear, that turned her blood cold.

Outside Molly's Jay grabbed Charlie's arm and brought her to his car. "Meet at the office?"

"Yeah." Everyone said.

In the car Erin was driving and Jay was fuming in the passenger seat.

Upstairs in the office Voight was still going through files. Seeing his team walking through. "Hey what are you doing back?"

"We found Jay's kid in Molly's drinking beers." Olinsky informed.

Jay bringing Charlie up. "Oh, you are so grounded, you have no life now, school, here, home, no friends, no privileges, they are far, far gone, you have to show me I can trust you." Opening the door to interrogation. "Sit, so I can cool off."

Erin asking. "How is she?"

"Testing me, to see if I'm like Josh. I have to say, no matter how angry I get, I can't hit her. But who can I convince her it's true?"

Vought standing in the doorway. "Have Erin talk to her."

"Erin do you mind?" Jay asked.

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