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Olivia called Antonio's phone. "Detective Dawson?"
"Hey this is Sargent Benson from New York Special Victims Can we come up?"
"Um, yeah I'll come get you."
Antonio saw them. Amanda smiled. "Wow Antonio you look great."
"Thanks Amanda you too, you all do. So what brings you you here?"
"This couple Josh and Kristan Stone they have a daughter Charlie."
Antonio interrupted Olivia. "Yeah we have them, Erin and Jay have Charlie, how do you know them?"
"Josh's raped before, Charlie told Amanda how Josh raped her, he's struck again so we came looking for him."
"I'll call Jay and Erin and let them know." Looking at Ruzek. "Call Jay and Erin, tell them Olivia and Amanda are coming to see them."
Ruzek got Jay on the phone. "Hey Olivia Benson and Amanda Rollins are coming to see you about Charlie."
"Alright thanks for the heads up." Rubbing Erin's leg to wake her up. "Special victims is on there way Ruzek just called."
"Okay." Twenty minutes later Olivia and Amanda showed up.
"Detective Halstead, Linsday. Sorry Jay, Erin. Antonio told us you had Charlie?"
"Yes, but she's my niece, and my idiot family left her here."
"They can do that?" Amanda asked.
"They used the safe haven law, to leave Charlie here, but Charlie's not like that at all, she's so sweet and kind."
"Well Charlie's rape case is almost over the statue is almost up."
"He's raped her twice?" Standing by her door looking in the window watching her sleep. "Erin and I will be back later, just let Charlie know I went to see her parents."
Back at Intelligence.
"Hey Voight where's Josh and Kristan?" Jay asked tossing her jacket.
"Holding downstairs why?"
"Just want a chat with them." Jay fighting his anger. "He raped her twice and Kristan just watched both times."
Fin and Nick were listening and joined the conversation.
"Are Olivia and Amanda with Charlie?" Fin asked.
"Yeah. Um, look we can catch up after I talk to Josh okay. Erin?"
Hank stopped them. "Jay, Erin that's not the best idea right now."
"He raped my niece twice." Voight putting his hand on Jay's chest to stop him.
"I know, Fin and Amaro have been filling us in. Jay go clear your head, Erin go with him."
Back at the hospital, the nurse checked on Charlie and her vitals
Olivia sitting on Charlie's bed. "Charlie do you remember us?"
"You're the detectives who talked to me about my dad, where's my uncle? Uncle Jay? Uncle Jay!"
"Honey he went with Erin to talk to your parents he'll be back later." Amanda trying to claim her down.
"I want my uncle Jay." Tears coming down her face and her heart rate raced faster and the doctors had to sedate her to claim her down.
Jay and Erin went back to Chicago Med to spend time with Charlie.
"Hey why are you out here and not talking to Charlie?"
"We couldn't she wanted you, we told her where you were and she practically had a panic attack the doctors had to sedate her." Amanda said looking back at Charlie's door.

Chicago PD: Jay's niece.Where stories live. Discover now