Update on this story

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So..... it's been a while......

I'll make this short.

This story will soon be rewriten with a similar plot with some minor(and massive) differences.

Plot will be the same, Adda and Senew will be the same, and it'll be much better written.

I've grown a lot as an author, but I need time to make this story work (it takes a lot out of me to work on this so it might be the only thing I work on for a while).

I don't know when I'll post the first new chapter (all chapters will be unpublished and republished with new information and story).

For now I'll leave this alone and allow you all to read the new synopsis for the story below.

Enjoy and let me know what you think.







Milan Italy, September 1, 1939

With fascist Italy right on the cusp of entering WWll, the Cavalcanti family is bracing for the fight to stay on top.

With the world going to shit, the market for ammunition, weaponry, and narcotics is making it big for the forming war and hunkering down individuals of the nation.

For Senew Napoli, it can only mean getting ready to fight.

Especially when he wakes up, bandaged and bruised in someone's home.

Finding it to be the youngest daughter of the Cavalcanti family, it can only mean certain death.

Unfortunately, it's far worse than that.

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