Wedding panic

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"No no no! I will not allow that woman at our wedding!" Argued Addolorata, clenching her teeth as she lowered her eyes at her half brother, Saintly.

"Oh come on Addolorata! She's your mother! You said I could even bring my mother!" He chased after the angry girl, her feet stomping on the ground as she stormed over to her couch.

She climbs onto it, sitting down and crossing her arms like a pouting child in the corner.

Saintly inwardly cooed at how cute she looked, he could never help himself when his half sister acted like a child.

"Addolorata....I get that she was cruel and left you, but maybe this is a way to get her back? Say you plan to change and marry someone else and leave your dad?" Addolorata's eyes seemed to pierce his heart with a sudden pain.

"To hell with that!" She snapped at him, anger displayed perfectly all over her chubby small face, mixing with the adorable frilly dress with bloomers under it the shade of autumn leaves.

Her dress had been a new gift, something from her half brother Marlow Jr as a way to say "truce".

She had agreed to it only if he would leave her alone and stand in the back at her wedding with the people she didn't want to see.

The dress had long sleeves (like so many of the ones she owned), these were large and puffy rather then slim and snug.

These allowed for comfort and air to pass through, the dress skirt ruffled with a pair of frill's starting from the center hips and going down before making a circle end at the back.

The hem bottoms of the dress was lacy and matched the cuffs perfectly, the neckline high with lace at the edges to match the white perfection of the orange autumn dress.

The petticoats under it we're bright and dusty yellow while the bloomers were a mix of autumn red and yellow, orange mixed in as they blended.

"Addolorata please! Me and Junior will keep her in check! She can leave before the party!" Addolorata pursed her lips, she did feel slightly guilty for not inviting her mother.

It brought back painful memories of all the letters and gifts she sent to her mother, yet her mother sent them back as repackaged gifts herself and yet her father, had luckily taken them before the younger Addolorata could see.

Addolorata had letters and cards she had sent, locked up in a box under her floorboards of her bedroom, all she had sent and her mother never wanting.

What person would argue she wouldn't do the same with the invite?

She hardly ever called anyway.

"No" Saintly sighed, hanging his head.

"Alright, I understand....." There was a groan from him as he sat down next to Annabelle, who smacked his hand the moment he began to pull up his leg.

"No shoes on my couch!" She hissed.

Addolorata sucked in a breath, feeling panic start to set in as she looked around.

She had been in such a rush, she had forgotten many things to make herself look normal as she did.

Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, clearly unbrushed, her dress was instead a plain black blouse with shear poofy sleeves and a wide skirt with only a single layer of petticoat under it that hardly have it any bell shape.

The black skirt seemed to be darker then her blouse, but she was in to much of a rush to bother noticing, not even to fix her hair as she had slept through her alarm.

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