Hours pass

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Panting, Addolorata stood up, seconds ticking by as she looked at the small splashes of blood in her dress, growling in disapproval.

Slowly, with one kick of the now dead body and anger in her, she turned and walked towards her kitchen. Senew sat there on the seat, not wanting to move, hoping she wouldn't notice him if he didn't move.

Unfortunately she did notice he was there, and walked over, sitting on his lap with a deep frown.

"You know, he was never much fun" she started, lifting up her hand and using it to caress Senew's face gently.

Her fingers trailed, from the side of his left eye down to his lips, where her fingers brushed across the sensitive area, slowly leaning closer till her lips lay over his.

His eyes widened, her hands moving to rest on his shoulders as she moved around, her legs spread as they wrapped around his waist slightly, keeping him slightly pinned to the chair as her lips kissed his over and over again with no response. Slowly her lips moved away to speak again with the sadness in her eyes, hidden by lack of even empathy for the dead ex lover on her floor, bleeding out as when she kicked it, the body moved onto its side.

"He never treated me like I was his......only like a toy....." She sighed and leaned her forehead against his chest, slowly moving down her hands to hold against her chest.

"Always flirting with other girls, heck I even caught him making out with one in the hall......I thought he cared but all he wanted was my money........" Another sigh and she felt hot tears start to roll down her cheeks.

"It wasn't the same after that, I don't know what came over me......I just couldn't take it, I really did love him and it hurt to watch him do all those things but now I'm happy.....he's no longer able to break hearts, instead I broke his" she softly laughed, biting down on her knuckle as she cried, holding back her sobs.

She suddenly felt a hand on her cheek, slowly lifting it up as she released her knuckle from her mouth and look up at Senew. He looked sympathetic, leaning his forehead against her own with his eyes closed.

"Senew? What are you-" she was cut off by him holding his thumb over her lips, his casted around pressing against her back as he pulled her against his chest.

"Shhhh, it's ok, just let it all out" Addolorata let the tears fall, her hands gripping his shirt as her lips quivered before the sounds of gross sobbing filled her room, the hot tears rolling like heavy rain from her cheeks.

Hours went by as Addolorata slowly stopped crying, slowly becoming tired as she yawned, the tears left on her cheeks wiped away by Senew's thumb. Secretly he hoped this would let him leave, showing sympathy for the girl who held him at gunpoint.

"God" she said, looking away as her cheeks became warm.

"You must think I'm so weak for saying all that, I'm really sorry" she told him, getting off his lap and sitting on her couch, it's ivory color making her seem more brighter in her clothing.

She looked at them and frowned deeper.

"I should probably go change......I must look like a nut dressed like this" she pushed herself from the couch and looked at Senew with a soft, but hurt, smile.

"How about I make dinner as an apology? You can leave tomorrow afternoon, how about that?" Senew hesitated with his smile but nodded anyway.

"Sounds.....like a plan?" He said, unsure exactly what to say to the crazy girl.

Addolorata smiled softly before walking towards her bedroom, shutting the door behind her to change her clothing.

Senew sighed, standing up and slowly, made his way around the apartment to look for his things, only to be surprised when he passed the kitchen to see his phone charging.

Confused as to why she would leave it out, he walked over and picked it up to see several missed calls and a different background on his lock screen.

The picture was of him, asleep and not looking too well, his face of pain. Scrunching his nose he went from the lock screen to his home screen, which was the same luckily.

Clicking on several things he almost dropped his phone when it suddenly began to ring. He wished soon after he didn't answer it.

"Where the fuck are you?" An angry female voice came.

Senew sighed and looked towards the door, not open yet.

"At an acquaintance's house" he lied to her, leaning against the counter.

"Senew you shit, you better be, it's been a month!" Senew paused, looking at his phone for the date, his eyes widening. Quickly putting it back up to his ear he replied.

"Look I got into some shit, I can't come home right now ok" he said, watching the door carefully.

"Your cheating on me arnt you" came a harsh reply.

"Allison I'm not cheating on you" he said, still watching the door.

"Yes you are!" Came her cracking voice, sobs slowly filling the air.

"Your cheating on me! I knew you would, I can't take it any more Senew, we are through!" She screamed before hanging up.

Senew sighed as he set down the phone and walked back over to the chair, only for the door to suddenly open and Addolorata to walk out in a black dress with bloomers on under it.

Slowly, she walked to be in his line a view, his eyes widening. The dress had a circular neckline, down to where it rested right above the spot where cleavage would normally show. It was short, with ruffles and frills going down like a babydoll design, only not seen through with the dark black clothing.

"What do you think?" She asked with a smile, her red hair falling off her shoulder.

"Um.....uh....you look.....nice?" He said unsure as Addolorata smiled and walked over, once again sitting on his lap, her finger going against his lips.

"I'm so glad you're no longer dating the awful woman~" she cooed before locking her lips once more over his after moving her finger.

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