Passionate about you

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Senew felt nervous and he didn't know why. He was waiting in a line of other guys in fancy suits, holding up a sign with Annabelle's name on it. He was already annoyed by how many girls came up to him claiming to be Annabelle, but he ignored them till they left or went on a rant to which he stopped. Most of the guys around him in fancy suits we're already uncomfortable, didn't help senew stood out like a sore thumb. He wore a black button up dress shirt tucked into his pants, the leather belt borrowed from her father. He wore jeans, which seemed to hug his upper back area around the rear. Finally to top it all off he had combed back his hair and put on a nice pair of boots. He didn't know why he was trying so hard, Annabelle seemed to like his old rugged and bad boy like exterior.

"What am I doing.....I should just be waiting outside it would be easier" he thought, ready to move when he saw her. Dark red hair, blue eyes that stood out more then anything. Her wide poofy skirt, her shoes that made tapping sounds and that look on her face of impatience and wanting. He watched her body turn, he watched her lock her eyes on to the sign he held and began to walk towards him. Senew held his breath, waiting for a slap, a yell, something from her but he got a smile, but it was short lived. Annabelle was suddenly pushed aside on her walking way towards him, a girl with baby blonde hair and thick blue lipstick smiled up at him.

"Oh honey I knew you would wait for me!" Said the girl, senew looked at her confused and disgusted, behind her Annabelle's hand was twitching to make a scene. Before senew could open his mouth the girl hugged his arm, in her other hand was her suitcase she was pulling along. Senew attempted to pull away, frowning at the girl.

"Kid I don't even know you!" The girl pouted, puckering up her blue lips.

"Allston don't be like that! We've been dating for three years now" senew looked confused, who the hell was she talking about. That wasn't even his name, but he could tell Annabelle didn't care, she looked ready to strangle. Senew did not want to see that, not in public where she could be arrested anyway.

"I'm not whoever that is, I don't even know why your hugging my arm considering my girlfriend is the one you pushed out of the way" explained senew, pointing to Annabelle who tapped her foot angerly. The girl glared at Annabelle before starting to tear up as she looked at senew, only then did he realized how low her shirt neck was, showing clevage.

"You've" she hiccuped as she began to sob.

"You've been cheating on me! And now you want to break up with me!" The girl began to cry loudly, luckily a guy walked over, but not the Savior senew was looking for.

"The fuck is going on over here?" His eyes narrowed at the blonde girl on senews arm.

"Sheena the fuck are you doing?! Your name ain't Annabelle and it's clear this girl over here is Annabelle!" The girl hugged Senew's arm closer.

"My name is Annabelle-," she pointed to Annabelle in all her anger. "That's Sheena!" The guy smacking his face, wrapping his arms around the girls waist and pulling her off senew as Annabelle latched onto his arm and rubbed the side of her face on his upper arm.

"I an so sorry, I don't think she had her meds, I really am sorry!" Apologized the guy in a black T-shirt and jeans. Annabelle glared before speaking.

"Just keep the frostbite lip girl away from us!" Annabelle gave another glare before dragging senew outside, huffing angerly. But to say the least, Annabelle was now one hundred percent, pissed off.

_ _

"Annabelle I didn't even know that girl!" Argued senew as he watched Annabelle sip her tea, glareing at him harshly with her legs crossed.

"Humph!" Was her reply as she got up from her seat, fluffing up her dress before walking out of the cafe, with senew running after her.

"Annabelle! Come on!" Annabelle crossed her arms, sticking out her bottom lip in a pout, walking with her hips moving side to side before she reached the limo. Senew sighed and opened the door, allowing her to climb in as he got in next to her. Her arms crossed and her dress spanning over the seat she was on, senew sighed again as he shut the limo door.

"Annabelle I swea-" Annabelle cut him off with her hand latching over his mouth. Obviously she didn't wanna hear him talk, either that or she was actually pissed off about the girl. Senew sighed and removed her hand, turning away from her and crossing his arms as he leaned against the seat.

"Fine! Be that way" he huffed like a child, the limo driving through the afternoon traffic. It was going to be a long ride, expecialy with a fuming Annabelle who's emotions either went left or right. It didn't help that senew often was more pissed off then anything, his brain indecisive as ever with his emotions that he kept almost blank.

"Someone keeps calling your house phone" Annabelle glanced at senew, before looking ahead of her again.

"Oh? Any name given?" She asked with a heavenly sigh to Senew's ears, how could a sigh be so elegant?!

"Said they were your brother" Annabelle froze, her eyes wide.

"Called you little sis, said they missed you and some stuff like that" Annabelle slammed her hands on the seat, lurching forward.

"DRIVE FASTER!" She screamed at the driver, startling senew greatly.

"I GOTTA HIDE MY BOYFRIEND AND BARRICADE MY WINDOWS" she screamed, the car suddenly speeding up. She turned towards senew, climbing onto his lap and leaning forward and pressing her lips on his before pulling away.

"Hope you own nice clothes, because my big brother is in town for a wedding ceremony" Senew's mouth stay agap.

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