Info card 2

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Name: Melissa Signorelli

Favorite hobby: shopping

Age: 39

Birthday: April 1st

Bio: Eldest of her siblings, her three younger siblings of the closer part of her family, following her around often like a mama duck. While her father Marlow has often offered his company to her so she has a job, she refused on the account of her high maintenance mother who refused any contact other then what the divorce contract allowed when she needed to be dropped off then younger. While she is the actual eldest of her father's children, she prefers to mooch money off then to allow her to pay for her lifestyle of fancy things.

Description: Strawberry blonde hair with brown hazel eyes, her skin glowing often like a goddess. She is often nicknamed Aphrodite and has recently taken interest in her father's company to help pay for her expensive lifestyle and live like a queen, unfortunately, Addolorata is the only obstacle in her way, or is she?

Name:Milly, Angel, Aston Signorelli

Favorite ice cream: Neapolitan

Age: 26

Birthday: February 9th

Bio: while the three are triplet's they all are not the same, one looking older then the other two and the brother being called a good while angel is baby faced. All wear some kind of birthstone, all some kind of jewelry from necklace to earrings. All follow around their big sister Melissa, the triplet's are often called mindless goons when really they just wish to over throw her when they get the chance.

Description: All have blonde hair, except Aston is mostly darker. To look different from one another in style, angel prefers to straighten her hair while Milly curls hers. Aston gives his own haircuts and wants to work as a stylist when he is able to work professional, much like his sisters who to wish to help him achieve his dream. Much like Melissa all three have brown eyes, except angel, because they were really meant to be quadruplets she had absorbed her meant to be conjoined sister in the womb, earning a ring of blue around her pupil.

Name: Sasha Cavalcanti

Favorite movie: Thirty days of night

Age: 19

Bio: Sasha's mother was one of a what Marlow called a midnight fling. Of course that involved Sasha being born and Marlow actually owning up to it as he never often got girls when his sons were born, even if Annabelle is his favorite daughter.

Currently one of the closest girls to Addolorata, they see eye to eye as Sasha wishes to be a fashion designer and let her little sister take their fathers company.

Sasha took her father's name rather then her mother's as a way to find him, easier to actually have his last name and claim to be his daughter when he has a reputation, either way with or without it people would probably believe her.

Description: Natural frizzy brown locks through different shades of dark to light Sasha rocks it with a wonderful smile. With Copper tinted eyes and a nice caramel skin tone, she is happy to walk around in whatever she wants.

She's very timid and would rather stay out of confrontation then Addolorata who would rather fight.

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