Jolting touch

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Addolorata groaned, slowly lifting her head with her blurry vision as she felt heat rain down on her.

Lifting her hand weakly she squealed when she slipped, falling down onto the hard ground with a thump.

Groaning in pain she slowly stood up, her shirt torn and snagged by twigs when falling. She wrapped her arm around her torso, feeling the raw pain from hitting something at such a height, she might as well say it's broken.

Coughing she began to try and walk, her legs shaking as she grabbed on anything she could for support.

She took one more step, before biting down hard on her bottom lip, falling onto her stomach as she whimpered with blood on her chin.

Whimpering in pain was unlike her, looking in such a tangled mess was unlike her not to mention even being this far away from the city.

She hated this, she just simply wanted to go back home and wear her frilly dresses and high stockings.

She attempted to stand again, using a stick as a cane, the fatigue was heavily weighing on her shoulders and head, ready to collapse with the numb pain in her left leg.

She could no longer feel the pain, not wanting to look down at the swollen and wrongly twisted look of her mangled leg, which she was sure was bleeding.

Her foot felt heavy, her body arched over the tree limb and the sun heat beating on her head and sweaty back.

Confused and disoriented, she touched her head, sure it was bleeding.

She looked around a little, unsure of what had happened, but knew it was bad enough when the cliff was hard to climb in her state.

She couldn't hear anyone, she could hear Senew.

Where was Senew?

Panic ran through her as she began to drag her legs through the dirt, her heart beating faster and faster as she got closer to the river.

She didn't see Senew, she didn't see anyone.

Rushing over as fast as she could she began to look in the water, hopeing the water was slow enough for his body to be dragging on the shallow bottom.

But all that failed when a cloth was suddenly over her mouth and nose.

She screamed and kicked with her broken leg, swinging around the tree limb, feeling something force it from her hands, as the smell took to her lungs, knocking her unconscious.

When Addolorata woke up however, she found herself tied to a chair, her body in slight pain as she tried to get free.

Adrenaline had yet to kick in, she panted as her mouth filled with saliva.

Slowly she began to rock the chair, trying to get it on it's side so she could use the edge of the wooden chair like a weak saw.

But she was stopped when the door opened, she froze as she looked up and her eyes grew wider.

A man stood at the entrance of a door, the soring heat hitting Addolorata's skin causing it to sweat. Slowly he entered, the door shutting and the weak light of the room showing his face weakly.

"Well, well, well, well.....I didn't know Marlow was so stupid!" Addolorata growled under her breath at those words, nobody was allowed to call her father stupid.

"SHUT YOUR TRAP!" She barked at him, barring her teeth like a growling dog.

"Tisk tisk, that's not very cute now Addolorata, then again neither was your outfit" Addolorata paused, what did he mean by 'was'? Slowly she looked down and her face went red, head darting up and yelling at him again.

"YOU DRESSED ME! PERVERTED SCUM! I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!" She shrieked, hair in a cluster of curls and bows.

Her short's and tank top had been changed to a somewhat blank white dress with a slit on the side of frill's that showed black layer of dress under it, black petticoat under it with bloomers, which Addolorata knew the feeling of anywhere.

Her socks were gone and replaced with knee highs, she was disgusted. The sleeveless dress allowed her arms to be scuffed, and to her horror the dress showed more of her arms then the tank top actually did.

She had pulled a sheer crop top over the tank top, wanting to cover up the well hidden scars that she always used make up to hide. But now her arms were out on full display, several deep scars up and down the side of her upper arm.

"What do you want" she hissed at the man as he walked over, trailing his fingers down her arm as she tried to pull away. He chuckled before even looking into her eyes and awnsering.

"I want you Addolorata~"


Senew groaned loudly, rubbing his head as he suddenly sat up, blood rushing to it.

How long had he been passed out, all he remembered was falling with Addolorata pushing away and landing harshly in a tree.

"Addolorata!" He thought, he had forgotten all about her.

He looked around in panic, he did not want to die!

But as he looked around he grew to understand he was not outside, rather in a shabby looking cabin where two buff guys were smoking, a window by each of them as they stood leaning against the two walls across from one another.

One of them motioned over to Senew, blowing smoke from their mouth and dropping the cigarette, crushing it under their black boots.

"He's up..." Drawled the guy to Senew's left who put out his cigarette.

The other guy groaned, ruffling his short brown hair as the guy on his right walked over and squatted down next to the bars.

Senew was trapped behind a sorta of makeshift cell, the iron bars cracked and even bent in some areas, a few twisted.

"Where the hell am I?" Demanded Senew, taking a page out of Addolorata book and getting ready to threaten them with all sorts of things off the top of his head.

"None of your business" said the guy in front of him, who stuck his hand through the bars to grab him, only for Senew to sink his teeth into the man's skin.

The man pulled his hand back, growling in pain as he stood up and left the room, slamming the door.

As soon as that happened, the man who didn't stop smoking, tossed the cigarette out the window, darting over to the cell and pulling out a key, unlocking the cell door.

Senew slowly stood up, getting ready to fight as his hand balled into fists.

"I'm not here to hurt you kid" said the man, his appearance somewhat delinquent like.

He wore a beat up leather jacket, his hair low shaved to his head and his eyes pericing.

"Don't call me kid" spat Senew as he slowly stepped out of the cell, ready to fight if needed.

"Where's Addolorata" both of them seemed to say it in unison, both suprised at the perfectly timed moment.

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