Mistakes made

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Annabelle ran at the man, slashing and slashing as she screamed insolent thing at him as he kept moving back. Fear written over the mans face as the small body Annabelle used the ground to launch towards the man with a knife in her hand slashing at the air.

"NOT ONLY DID YOU RUIN MY DRESS!" She screamed, speaking of her now ruined dress, the bottom and hem ruined by bullet holes.

"BUT YOU REFUSE TO DIE!" She kept screaming, trying to grab hold of him to stab him with the sharp pocket knife that was covered with his friends blood.

"AND YOU MADE ME BUST MY LIP!" at that moment Annabelle grabbed hold of his shirt, the knife driving into his chest, right above the part of skin protecting the bone of where her thumb met her hand.. Luckily she didn't cut her her skin, but it was close enough for her to flitch her hand away from it. She pushed his back onto the floor, stabbing his chest over and over again, ruining her dress more with small speckles of blood from the slashing of the knife in a bloody puddle she was making. But when she finally stopped, she stood up and used her dress to clean off the knife, walking over to the counter and climbing on top of it. She stared down at the crying girl, red puffy eyes locking with her murderous blue.

"Please......don't hurt mhheeee" sobbed out the girl as Annabelle rolled her eyes, sitting on the counter.

"Your going to go and delete all the footage of this fight except when the camera was cut out, you will go to the police about this, you will tell them someone came in and killed them. You will not tell what they looked like, you say one that spoke had a deep gruffy voice. Do you understand?" She asked the girl, looking down on her as if she was an ant she could crush under her boot. The poor teenager nodded, shaking as she stayed huddled behind the service counter.

"Good enough!" Said Annabelle with a smile.

"Oh and the guns are unmarked, have fun!~" said Annabelle with a smirk as she got off the counter, slamming the poor girl on the floor as she walked away with a smile and wave. Giggling as she skipped, the gate opening and letting her slip under as the people at the back door disappeared, as well as Annabelle and her father's other workers.

_ _

"Ah~" Annabelle let out a moan of relief as she slipped into a tub of warm water. The room smelled of sweet things, she wanted to smell sweet for senew. It was the early morning before they were ment to leave in the afternoon, knowing the guy who owed her father money got the memo. Instead of Killing the man straight up, she went around the bush and killed his brother instead, who worked under the guy. Because of this, he had to deal with a loss of money and family, not to mention he knew who did it when he heard what was said by the girl on TV to the police. Annabelle let out a soft laugh, slipping deeper under the water as she felt her bones relax, her skin as if it was floating, her hair held above her head with a few hair ties and pins.

"I needed this" she mumbled to herself and nobody else. She closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh again. Oh how she wanted to fall asleep in the water, to see if she could float like a log, feel nothing but the warmth and dream of senew back home. She had always been foolish to those she wanted to love her. She changed so much about herself, heck she even got a tattoo for one of the first people she dated, but she got one no matter what, she would love no matter who convinced her. She could remember her dad's face when she came home with it. He was so surprised, he didn't expect a girl so young as fifteen to be able to get a tattoo, but then again Annabelle was threatening. She let out a small laugh, her dad wasn't angry, he was rather proud. He even told Annabelle's mother, who didn't care but seemed to enough to scold her father about allowing her to get a tattoo, he eventually just hung up and ignored her calls. She remembered getting scolded to for it, she had saw her mother's name and wanted to say hello, only to get an earful after saying who it was. Annabelle soon learned to ignore her mother's calls unless she wanted them, half the time it was ranting and the other half was gushing over her husband. Only a small five percent was about Annabelle's life, her mother didn't seem to care enough about Annabelle's life, not to mention Annabelle didn't have the heart to tell her mother she wanted to talk about her life. Annabelle didn't want to feel selfish or say something that was selfish, even if she was around senew and possessive of him she still did her best not to be. As much as it was to her, she knew she was drowning in her own guilt, but she pushed through it, she would breath another day.

_ _

Annabelle tapped her foot, impatiently waiting for the plane to take off as she sat in first class. Her father's workers sitting next to her and around her. Some yawned and others played with whatever they could around them, Annabelle felt annoyed.

"Ugh hurry up plane, I got things to do" the thought as she felt the plane begin to move.

"Finally" she looked out her small window, watching the ground seem to disappear as she felt weight on her body, the plane takeing off into the afternoon sky. Her skin smelled of sweet roses and honey, hair in a ponytail with curls for days. Her outfit the dress she packed, one she had just in case as her other was completely ruined. Unfortunately she would need to by another one, she was still pissed off about though.

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