Dirty kisses

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Addolorata slowly opened her eyes, the cold air hitting them made them tear up, but she blinked them away as she sat up.

She yawned, her head no longer dizzy and her world no longer dark.

Her stomach felt almost full, yet her body felt sticky, gross, sweaty and slimy.

She was sitting on her bed, her bed of all things she could be on and it had to he her nice covers to, her favorite pink with the white skulls.

Getting out of the bed, she began to undress her body, wanting to get off whatever dirt was on her body from Jackson, she didn't even want to know how long she had been out, she just wanted to be clean.

Slowly as she walked in her underwear, pushing open the door she stopped, Senew standing in the middle of her large bedroom bathroom, a towel in his hand, perfectly held out to it covered his lower half as he was about to set it down to take a shower.

Their eyes locked, Addolorata's face getting redder as she stood there, frozen in place.

"You're.... you're awake!" Said Senew suprised, quickly wrapping the towel around his waist trying not to flash the young girl.

Addolorata continued to stand there, stareing at him, her face getting redder at the fact she felt more naked then he did.

"Why.....why are you in my bathroom" she asked, stuttering at the beginning of her question as she tried to water her dry throat.

"My uh.....my pressure ain't as good as yours and uh, your father isn't here to watch you and your uh, uncle said he couldn't be here till Sunday" Senew scratched the back of his head, hand on his hip.

Addolorata felt the need to reach out and grab his waist, but her hands gripped the door and balled into fists.

"Yeah.....I'll get someone to fix that...how long have I been out?" She asked, taking a few steps onto the cold tile floor, trying not to shiver at the cool air.

"Not long, we got back just yesterday night and well I passed out on your couch, woke up not to long before you and uh......you weren't awake so I decided to use your shower....." He seemed so nervous, his cheeks slightly growing red as Addolorata walked closer to him, that blank look on her face as she took his hand from the back of his neck.

Slowly she brought it to her lips, softly kissing the knuckle of every finger, before kissing the top.

Senew bit his bottom lip, unsure what to do and was confused as to why Addolorata was acting this way.

"Take a bath with me?" She suddenly asked, cheeks getting redder as she placed his hand on her left cheek, looking up at him.

His hand seemed to move on it's own, his thumb tracing over her lips, his other fingers lightly resting on the side of her cheek.

"Wh..what?!" He was shocked, his hand stuck by her grip as she kissed the tip of his thumb, leaning into his touch and sighing as she closed her eyes.

He could feel the heat of her face.

"You don't have to say yes, I just wanted to........so we could try and get to know each other. We could bubbles in the bath, less indecency and we could get in without each other looking.......and stay on each other's side of the tub if you want" she explained, trailing her fingers down his wrist, over the veins that we're showing from his bent wrist.

"Addolorata...." Senew trailed off as his eyes locked with hers.

This beautiful blue eyed girl, was giving him the chance to bath with her, or simply sit in the tub with bubbles and no clothes.

He felt the urge to say yes, it was at the tip of his tounge, dirty thoughts running through his mind as he did his hardest to stop it from causing an erection.

"What am I thinking?! She's basically a child!" He screamed in his head, but at the same time she wasn't.

Sure she had the body, the age and the looks of someone younger, but her mind was not.

Those eyes she had, the bluestone gems, held lust and begging towards him, affection that nipped at his heart like a fish testing the bait on the hook.

She was luring him in like a hungry fisher, or in this case, an angler fish.

Her eyes was the light that hung from the head, he was the innocent fish that thought it was food, or thought it was pretty and swam closer to it.

She was waiting, waiting to get her bite to eat.

Senew felt his body move closer to her as he squat down, removing his other hand from his side and placing it on Addolorata's other cheek.

Slowly tilting her head he leaned forward, placing his lips softly over hers.

Neither moved for a second, not until Addolorata pressed back, hands over Senew's as she melted into the gentle kiss.

Their lips danced on each other's, like partners who tried not to step on each other's feet, slowly getting use to the rythmic music in their ears.

They could feel their heart beats grow as the kiss became heavier.

Before Addolorata could even let out a sigh from her nose, Senew's tongue was grazing against her teeth, biting her bottom lip to ask for entrance.

She parted her lip, teeth open as his tongue slid in. She let out a small soft moan, his hands holding her head still as she battled against his tongue.

She wanted the dominance of the kiss, even if he had started it, but she made a wrong move, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth before battling again.

But once they parted for air, a string of saliva hung from their mouths, connected for a short second before snapping. Both panted, their hot breaths mingling in the cold bathroom air.

"Senew......" Addolorata trailed off her words, love growing in her heart like a tree sprout, it still needed so much more time to grow.

She slowly leaned forward again, and so did Senew.

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