The touch of a demon

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Senew sat on Addolorata's couch, rubbing his face as his back hit the couch support, looking up at the roof. He had done something so wrong, yet it had felt so right! He couldn't shake the feeling Addolorata had wanted that, it's what she had been longing for, that thought left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"I'm going to hell" he thought, normally he was not believe in hell, but once that regret he believed he would be. It was described as being worse then prison, where your regrets would torture you and your fears became real, for eternity you would be treated that way with no remorse. His eyes stayed wide as he felt something move onto his leg, looking down he spotted a small little bunny. It's black fur with white paws and nose, sniffing the air as it looked up at senew before hopping away, Addolorata walking out of her room and running after the bunny.

"Come back here Michelangelo! You just got back from the vet!" She said, chasing after the bunny in worry of it getting hurt. Senew swiftly picked it up, it was able to fit into his hand that he didn't even have to hold it with the help of his other as he handed it back to Addolorata who gave it a quick kiss on the head and a smile at senew. Senew awkwardly smiled back as he sat back down, watching her head back into her room. He sighed, it was so awkward now to look at Addolorata without thinking of that, sure it had been a night and he was sure Addolorata didn't even know what today was.

_ _

"Addolorata stop touching me" said senew as Addolorata grabbed hold of his hand, trying to hold it as she walked with him down the sidewalk. He pulled his hand away and slipped it into his pocket, her cheeks puffing up as she pouted angerly.

"What is your deal!?" She demanded, grabbing his arm and turning him around.

"Nothing!" He argued, only for her to pull him over to an alleyway that was out of everyone's way.

"Clearly it's something! You won't even let me touch you! Let alone look at me..." Her last sentence was filled with sadness as senews eyes wondered all over the other women on the street. Addolorata felt something break in her heart, it was different from the other guys she had loved and slept with, this one hurt far more.

"I'll see you at home then" she pulled out her wallet and her car keys, giving them to him.

"Go...go have some fun on the town" she said swallowing her pride of never letting someone cheat on her. She tried to look strong as she left the alleyway, senew not even bothering to look at her as she headed back home, doing her best to try not to cry.

_ _

Addolorata slammed her apartment door, locking it so nobody could get in as she ran to her bedroom, tossing off her shoes in the middle of her floor and slamming her bedroom door shut. Locking that one to she sobbed loudly, sliding down with the door against her back, why did it hurt so much? She had never really been his ideal thing to look at, she wasn't like the girls he wanted. Pushing those girls up above what she wanted to do, she stood up and ripped off her frilly dress, maybe that was part of the problem. Tossing it on the floor, she only broke her heart more as she looked at her body in the mirror. The dress had a high collar, it covered up the love bite on her neck. She had thought it would be better, as the day he seemed to be glareing at the mark on her neck. It clicked in her head, a hand going over her mouth as she let the tears fall.

"What was I thinking!" She screamed in her head, falling to her knees, left in her underwear as she banged her fist against the ground. She placed her head again the floor, gripping her head as she let out loud gross sobs, tears staining her floor. What had she done? Sure she seduced him but she thought it was ok, she thought he would be ok with it, most of the other guys were.

"I'm an idiot" she thought as she looked up at the wide length mirror, touching her own red face. She looked like a child, she didn't look like a woman, her frilly dresses, her long curly hair, the lack of make up. She looked childish, her small chest, short legs. Pushing herself up she grabbed her phone, pausing, did ....did she really wish to call and ask her dad for such a thing. She set down the phone, she was going to ask for breast implants, maybe with a chest senew could see her as beautiful, maybe if she wore more reveling clothes he would like her. She swallowed her pride once more and picked up her phone, looking at a online store and hesitately purchasing clothing, clothing she would only wear for senew.

She knew what she was doing, she hoped she did as she bought those clothes, takeing a deep breath and looking through her closet. She began to pack away all her dresses into a box, replacing them with some of her old clothes she had before those dresses. She paused when she found a certain dress, the pale pink fabric decorated with three white frilly lines of layers that wet around the hem of the dress. All had a good inch apart from each other. The collar was the same with three white frill's at the hem, her sleeves as well and at the waist was a thick white band. A white bow rested above three white buttons on the pale pink dress. It was the first dress she had ever gotten, something in her couldn't allow her to put it in a box as she hid it in the back of her closet.

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