Momma mistaken

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Senew watched Annabelle, she was tapping her foot against the ground as she paced around her living room. She was pulling at her hair in fear as she looked around, looking for something out of place, something to fix or clean or do something with!

"I mean, maybe I shouldn't wear white....." Annabelle mumbled.

"Annabelle...." Annabelle ignored the calling of her name, she kept pacing and mumbling to herself.

"But what color would I use? I mean red is to......meh, black would be to gothic, I need something cute! Maybe I should do white but if I need my guns then my dress would be" she kept mumbling under her breath, eyes focused on the ground.

"Annabelle..." Senew raised his voice but still go no returning look from her, or even acknowledgement of her name being said.

"So maybe white should do? But what if I stain it? What if daddy gets drunk and stains it?" She seemed to stop mid way, arms crossed and one hand over her mouth.

"ANNABELLE!" He raised his voice, causing her to look up at him with wide eyes and stare. She stared at him, a good few seconds of confusion on her face.

"What?" She asked as she looked over his fuming face, he let out a low sigh.

"You need to calm, down" he said, getting up from the couch and picking her off the floor as if she was a child.

"But...." Senew cut her off by placing his finger over her lips.

"Annabelle, you need to understand that your going to burn yourself out if you keep-" there was a sudden ring at the door, followed by a heavy impatient knocking. Annoyed, Annabelle got out of Senew's grip, fixing the holster under her pink frilly dress. The dress she kept hidden in the back of her closet and only wore for comfort, she didn't even know why senew was being allowed to see it! Walking towards the door the knocking continued, getting more and more rapid. Annabelle flung open the door, rage and annoyance on her face as she locked eyes with a certain red hair woman, who's certain green clover eyes were luckier then the stars at night.

Annabelle gripped the door, her blood boiling as she stared at the woman, senew watching from the living room. The woman looked down, pushing up the sunglasses from her nose to onto her head of red fire locks. She looked unamused, crossing her arm and tapping her black heels, her red dress outlining her curves.

"Arnt you going to invite me in?" Asked Annabelle's mother, if Annabelle could even call her that.

"Senew? Do you hear something? I think a cockroach might be in my hallway!" Said Annabelle with sarcasm, crossing her arms and looking away from her mother, her dark red hair pulled back into a ponytail. The red hair woman crossed her own arms, looking disappointed in Annabelle.

"What did I expect! Of course he wouldn't teach his own spawn manners!" Said Annabelle's mother, shoving the girl out of the way and walking inside the apartment, Annabelle putting on a face of shock to be treated like dirt. Before Annabelle could even scream at her mother, that awful woman's voice filled the room, hands on her hips.

"Ugh, your taste is an eye sore! Not to mention having this wierd thing in here!" She pointed to senew, purse on her shoulder.

"You! Go make me a cocktail! And also get me a neck pillow to, I'm sure Marlow's spawn has some comfort around this dump"Annabelle lost it, pulling the gun from her holster and shooting at the hallway wall behind her, not even bothering to look. Her mother turned around, hand in her bag gripping something tight as senew let his eyes grow wide, slowly getting on his knees and hiding behind the couch.

"The hell child?" Said Annabelle's mother, Annabelle didn't care, she gripped the gun tight, finger against the trigger.

"Child, spawn, eye sore" Annabelle repeated, her eyes lowering to the floor before locking with her mother's.

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