Party time

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Addolorata took a deep breath as she stepped out of the bathroom. She and senew had gone to a lodge far from the city near a moutain area thanks to her father, unfortunately they both had to take a bus much to Addolorata's discomfort of crying and screaming children.

She twiddled her thumbs, feeling slightly uncomfortable in a pair of shorts, but taking a deep breath she put on her confidence and walked out of the small bathroom stop over to senew, who also wore an outfit he was uncomfortable in. It was a simple short sleeve, blue V-neck shirt, with a pair of cargo pants in the desert camo color.

In his mouth was a cigarette, head tilted back slightly with his eyes closed as Addolorata approched him.

He was leaning against a railing, one leg out streached the other bent so it pressed against the ground to keep him up.

Smiling at senew Addolorata slowly wrapped her arms around his waist as she leaned against his body, resting her chin on his chest.

This caused him to take the cigarette out of his mouth and crush it into the ash tray next to him, the smoke blowing out of his mouth as he looked down at Addolorata before standing up straight.

"Hey handsome" giggled Addolorata as she smiled up at him, her hair in a high up ponytail to keep hair out of her face. Senews eyes wondered all over her body, from her face to her feet, noticing how she was somewhat cute without all the make-up, poofy dresses and curls in her hair. His hands moved down her back to her waist, slowly leaning over and kissing her head before pushing her away once realizing what he just did.

"Huh?" Addolorata looked up at him confused, wondering why he stopped with his affection.

"Sense when did you wear shorts and tank tops?" Asked senew out of the blue, motioning his hand up and down her body as he stood up normally. The pumpkin shorts Addolorata had ordered were done by the morning, the bright blue fabric along with the white thread that kept it together on the small slits in the side, which allowed air to flow so her legs didn't over heat.

Her top was a pale blue tank top, noodle straps and everything, all she needed was a white apron and she would look like some kind of teenage Alice.

Along with those clothing items were a pair of stockings that went under the shorts, this covered her legs and almost seemed to blend with her hiker boots.

"Well daddy said I couldn't wear my dresses because we we're doing something that required shorts, and sense I didn't want to ruin any of my skirts or blouses I........went out and bought this" she mumbled the last part of her words, wanting to add on that she had done it just for senew so maybe there would be an appeal, even if he was often eyeing much more blessed woman.

Addolorata crossed her arms, looking away, this was ment to be a date for them, but instead she was getting annoyed more then anything.

Lowly she growled and looked at his face. Her eyes widened when she noticed he was no longer looking at her, instead rather looking at a woman with blonde hair who was flirting from afar.

Rage filled her boiling blood, gripping her arms she growled. Jumping up she grabbed hold of senews face and kissed him right on the lips, causing his eyes to widen as the woman gasped and turned away, most likely annoyed and hurt.

Pushing Addolorata away senew hissed lowly at her

"the hell Addolorata?!" Addolorata huffed, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the pathway her father mentioned they needed to go down, her grip tight on senews arm as he tried to pull away.

"You didn't have to do that" spat senew as he kept trying to pull away his arm, Addolorata's tight grip not loosening.

"You shouldn't flirt with other women!" She spat back, pulling him down the dirt pathway, her boots getting covered in dirt and scuffed by rocks.

"I can flirt with women, your not even a woman" Addolorata stopped, pulling him off the trail and turning around quickly to slap him, only for her wrist to be caught by senew who then dropped her hand.

"I am a woman! I may not have a chest but I am a woman! And you will date me!" She hissed at him, stomping her foot. Senew raised an eyebrow at her, shaking his head as he crossed his own arms.

"Your insane! Absolutely mad!" He spat at her, shaking his head as she once again stomped her foot.

"Your so rude! You need to learn how to treat a lady!" She screamed at him, stomping her foot into the dirt and fallen leaves.

"Your not even legal! I wouldn't date you if my life depended on it!" He countered, waving his hand in front of her face as he watched her become more angry as she gashed her teeth.

"Tough luck because it does! Date me or I bust your god damn nut!" She yelled angerly at him, her hands curled into fists.

"Addolorata I know for a fact non of your weapons are even with yo-" he was cut off with a sharp blow to the stomach.

"ACK!" He fell to his knees, the blow was painful, her fist somewhat hurting as she panted slightly, most of her unused energy went into that punch.

"I don't need a weapon, I can just as easily kick your ass without a gun or a knife, even paper as flimsy as it is I can use to beat the shit out of you" she spat as her shadow looked over him.

"Now either we enjoy our date, or we leave and see how much shit I can get on your ass before my daddy finds out how much of a bitch you are" she hissed, using her foot to kick his head down, causing him to lay on his back as she sat on his chest, ignoring everyone's gaze as they passed.

"Now what will it be senew, love me, or die by me" she whispered lowly to him, pain and hurt in her once sweet kind voice.

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