A date?

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Addolorata sighed, loneliness and boredom running through her body and mind as she stared at her TV. Senew had been ignoring her pleads and ideas of where to hang out at, always turning them down. She was annoyed yes, but was also sad, she didn't like the feeling it gave her and she never had.

"Baby gun! You ok?" Came a voice from behind her apartment door, she got up and walked over to it, fixing her nightgown. As she opened it, she locked eyes with her dad, the frown twitching at the corner of her lips.

"Hey Dad....." Marlow's smile fell, he swiftly picked up his daughter and walk in, shutting the door with his foot and dropping her on her couch.

"Hey! What was that for?!" She demanded as he took one of her favorite black fluffy blankets and wrapped it around her, tucking it under her legs as he pulled open the sofa stool seat. Rummaging through it, Addolorata continued to demand an answer, not receiving one she became even more angry.

"HEY!" She screamed at him, kicking off the blankets and storming over to her father. Swiftly smacking him upside the head she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his face close, glaring harshly at him.

"Mass kill Vll, or Mass kill VX?" He asked, holding up two DVD cases.

"Mass kill Vll, but that doesn't say anything about your behavior father, spill what are you doing?" Marlow blinked, standing up and picking up his daughter along with him.

"I am merely cheering up my baby gun, I want her to be happy, and I know a happy Addolorata always calls me daddy" he said with a smile as she kisses the top of her head, holding her close as he put in the movie and sat her on her own couch before walking to the kitchen.

"Popcorn or Ice cream?" He asked, peering over the bar counter and tap.

"Popcorn!" Said Addolorata suddenly smiling as she grabbed the tv remote before suddenly freezing and looking at her clothes. They were unnaturally plain, a smile sheath gown with long sleeves. She nearly screamed as she looked at her front door, running to it and locking it shut.

"nobody should see me like this" she thought panicking as she ran back to the couch and grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around her, even if she was warm.

"Exspecially senew!" Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment as she thought of how un-cute she would look, she hated feeling embarrassed and having anyone see her dressed in such normal clothing.

"You do know that one day you will need to wear something other then your dresses my dear" said Marlow as he sat the bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table, earning a glare from Addolorata.

"How dare you daddy! My cute self should not be seen like this! Much less my image be tainted at school or the outside world!" She said angrily, grabbing the bowl and shoving popcorn down her throat. Marlow sighed and leaned against the couch, running his fingers through his hair.

"Im sorry Addolorata but it's true! I mean of you wanna be seen as tough your frilly dresses will simply not due!" Addolorata grabbed the TV remote and stood up from the couch, kicking off her blanket and crossing her arms as she stood.

"Father! I am your youngest daughter! The only one whom wishes to take your empire when handed to and I will rule just like you! No matter my frilly dresses my cute self will stay cute and no matter what I will be treated with the respect I deserve!" She said proudly as she put her foot on the coffee table.

"AND if not!" She flung her hand under her dress, pulling out her mini gun.

"I will force them to kiss my shoes and clean out my hamper, and one mistake will earn them a painful world where a swift death was never invented" she hissed lowly as she put back the gun, flinging a curly lock off her shoulder and sighing.

"Do we have an agreement?" She asked, removing her foot back to the ground and crossing her arms as she glared at her father.

"Yes we do honey, now sit down so we can spend time together" said Marlow, proud of his daughters thoughts.

"You know, I know a great place for you and senew to go on a proper date!" Addolorata paused, cheeks flushing red. She had never thought about having a proper date, she had always thought the drives to school and often coming in was enough of flirting and spending time together. She twiddled her thumbs, shifting her feet as she felt then brush against each other, cold as ice.

"Addolorata?" Addolorata looked up slightly, trying to hide her blushing face.

"I mean....where would that be?" She was obviously uncomfortably talking, leading Marlow to believe she herself might be uncomfortable.

"I'll get a driver to pick you up after school tomorrow, Senew will be with you and you to can go have fun, oh and wear shorts, not dresses" Addolorata's eyes widen in horror at what he had said.

"But....I only have dresses and bloomers! And I would never wear my bloomers in such a way!" She said, offended as her face went redder.

"Addolorata I know for a fact that you could go down to your favorite tailor and they will make you a pair of shorts, design them however and they will make them" Addolorata quickly stood up.

"Then I have to go now! They will have to work overtime for them to be finished to my cuteness!' she almost screamed as she ran to her room to throw on some clothes and do her hair a bit. Marlow blinked before taking out his phone, having felt it vibrate. He growled under his breath as he stood up and flicked the answer button, holding it to his ear.

"What do you want?" He hissed lowly, eyes flickering to his daughters bedroom door.

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