Daddy's rescue

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Marlow stepped into a pub, the early morning sun rising from the horizon as he sat down next to a passed out man.

"Where's Addolorata" asked the man, looking up to reveal it was senew, shit face as ever with red tinted cheek and a slight running nose. Marlow sighed, looking at the beer and other empty glasses and bottles. He shooed off the bartender, who headed into the back room to clean up and restock.

"She's over sea's" he said, pulling out a cigar and lighting it, then taking a puff from it and blowing smoke into the air. Senew looked unhappy, unamused and slightly angry.

"With who?" He growled, sitting up and picking up a glass filled with diluted scotch, finishing the glass and nearly barfing at the taste.

"Some of my workers, doesn't matter anyway, why would you care?" Asked Marlow, turning his head away to hide his smirk as senew slammed his hand on the table yelling.

"IM HER BOYFRIEND! SHE DIDNT TELL ME SHIT ABOUT THIS!" Marlow turned back with a harsh glare as senew matched his. Anger written on both of the men's faces as senew sat down, in a drunken haze.

"From what I've heard, your no longer her boyfriend, you took what money she gave you and let her leave crying, you move out of the apartment she gave you! Do you know what she became?" He asked threateningly, pulling out a picture of Addolorata, over sea's sent by phone, wearing jeans and a tank top while sitting on a couch with thick eye liner and black lipstick, fake pericing on her lip. She wasn't even looking at the camera, as if she didn't know the picture was being taken. Senew's eyes widen as he picked up the photo, slamming it back down annoyed.

"That's fake" he growled.

"It's not, taken an hour ago, she even asked me to let her get breast implants" senew paused, running his fingers through his hair as he let out a low sigh, it was long as the silence wrapped around his drunken mind.

"When does she get back?" Marlow chuckled.

"Sunday, but I'm sure she'll want to go home and burn all her dresses she has packed away, she's changing just for you" Marlow stood up, turning towards senew and setting his hat on the table, putting out his cigar in the ash tray.

"And I" he hissed out, growling as he suddenly slugged senew in the jaw, knocking him off his chair and having him land on the floor. Senew growled getting to his feet and launching off the floor at Marlow, grabbing hold of his neck and punching him in the face. Marlow's fist landing in senews stomach that knocked him back, only for senew to sloppily kick at Marlow, hardly hitting him and rather grazing as he tried to land a hit in his drunken state. Marlow growled lowly and grabbed hold of Senew's arm as he tried to punch him again, spinning him around and twisting his arm as he pinned him to the floor.

"Look at you! You can hardly fight! It's like you don't even love my daughter!" He growled, twisting Senew's arm harder, Senew letting out a painful Yelp.

"S...shut up! Your hardly ever there for her! We're both at fault!" Said senew.

_ _

Addolorata huffed, loading in a magazine to her mini gun. Sitting on a couch as she rested her booted foot on the coffee table, feeling the new tounge pericing in her mouth. She had gotten it on a whim, suddenly pausing when she smack herself. Her birthday! She didn't even celebrate it! She was to busy with senew and her father to even remember it! Her father didn't even remember it, she didn't know if she felt worse about not remembering herself or that her father didn't.

"I'm not a child anymore, and yet I look so much like one" she hissed in her head, sighing as she slipped the gun under her shirt.

Suddenly her phone rang, picking it up she unlocked it.

_ _

Marlow pushed Senew's phone towards him, glareing at him across the table as senew picked it up.

"Tell her" senew looked away, tapping his fingers on the small black case.

"I.....slept with her, and she was probably still asleep after the accident and-" Marlow interrupted.

"Her birthday was in October, senew she's eighteen now, she's technically an adult!" He said, sipping on his scotch as he set down his glass and watched Senew's eyes light up.

"SO I DIDN'T SCREW A MINOR?!?" Marlow cringed at the amount of loudness senew had, groaning how stupid he was.

" didn't, senew she may look like one but trust me, she is far more an adult then you think, that's why I let her get away with so much! But ..." Marlow finished his glass, a glare Makin senew tense.

"She wants tits, she wants implants, she was to be a bad girl and thinks that's what you like, you always look at other women when with her and her grades have been dropping! She hasn't been studying, she hasn't been doing anything but starving herself!" He barked, growling like a rabbid dog.

"Now pick up that damn phone, and you better call her right now and tell her how you feel, because if you don't I will not hesitate to remove all your organs and sell them!" He threatened, senew glareing unamused at the angry father.

_ _

Slowly Addolorata looked at her phone, pausing at the sight of Senew's name on the caller ID. Opening her mouth slightly she closed it, hesitately pressing the green button and flicking it. Putting it to her ear she held her breath, her heart beginning to race a hundred miles per hour. Her eyes tilted towards the ground as she chewed on her thumb, trying to calm down as she felt her foot bounce. She swallowed the spit in her throat and took a deep breath as she heard the click and cleared her throat.


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