Epilogue 1

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Addolorata gave a sigh as she sat down on her new couch in her new living room.

She and Senew, two years after officially being married, had moved into a nice suite on the top floor of a new building she had gotten built with the help of Marlow

Which the top floor, was the room they lived in.

The apartment was large and even had a second story with a balcony into the living room and a bit into the kitchen. The stairs came at a curve and across from it was a balcony that over looked much of the city at night.

The apartment building had two functions when Addolorata had gotten it commissioned.

To be lived in

To be worked in

Half of the building was being used for company uses, such as many things her father had used to make such money, not to mention it came with its own clean energy so bills came at a low.

Addolorata once again, gave a heavy sigh as she kicked off her shoes, moving to lay down on the couch as Michelangelo jumped onto her chest and curled up under her chin.

"Yes yes, I missed you two Mikey" Addolorata ran her hands over the bunnies soft pelt, closing her eyes as she relaxed in her new home.

She had grown use to being comfortable in her own skin, still dressing up and walking around, but at the same time trying to hide most of herself away for her husband.

She wasn't sure if he liked it, or perhaps didn't notice

She didn't even bother to ask

She found it pointless

As she was drifting off into a tired-less sleep, she felt the area of the couch near her feet sink and a hand on her leg.

"You asleep?" Addolorata opened her eyes, humming softly as a answer.

"No, not yet, thank you for waking me though" she smiled at him, eyes locked with those of Senew as he smiled back.

"I just needed to know Addolorata, nothing else" he patted her leg, ready to suddenly get up before her leg wrapped around his arm.

"I didn't say you could leave yet" she narrowed her eyes at him, causing him to sigh as he sat back down.

"I would enjoy this more on our bed...or eating", Addolorata shook her head at Senew.

"Too bad, I'm comfy and I have a bunny, so suck it up buttercup" she stated, shifting her body and pushing herself deeper into her comfortable position. Senew sighed, smiling at his wife as his thumb rubbed the skin of her calf.

"Hey... Addolorata?"

"Hmm? What is it dear?" Senew always enjoyed the pet names after the marriage, Addolorata enjoyed calling him them aswell.

"I'm glad I married you" Addolorata closed her eyes again, smiling happily.

"I am too"

Hours passed as the two sat on the couch

Time seemed to practically melt when they spent time together

Hours seemed to act like minutes

Blissful minutes

Allowing Addolorata to move and sit on Senew's lap, to look up at him and kiss him

The sat on the couch, happy and content

It wasn't till the next day that something seemed to pop the blissful bubble

"Mail came" Addolorata looked up from the paperwork she had, busy working as her father apprentice so she could rule his little empire.

"Oh! I think Sasha might have sent some sketch work over for me to hold onto and review" Addolorata watched Senew look through the mail, pausing on something for a moment.

She watched his eyes slowly grow wide, fill with sudden dread, then melt back into that loving look and just go back to look through the mail.

"I don't see anything like that....ah, must be junk mail" he set it down infront of her.

"You can see what's junk or not, I don't wanna throw away anything you wanna keep" Addolorata gave him a smile as he stretched.

"Tired?" Senew chuckled

"Just a little stiff, I'm going to go take a hot shower" Addolorata felt him place a kiss on her forehead before she waved him off.

"Ok! I'll be here~", she watched him walk off into their bedroom, listening to the door shut

She dragged her eyes over to the stack of papers, slowly picking it up to look through it



Magazine of worthless coupons


Unwanted letters



Baby magazine


Credit card offe-

Wait, Baby magazine?

Addolorata paused as she set down the rest of the papers, holding the baby magazine.

It was filled with coupons for baby items, ranging from formula to pack and plays

Some of them were expensive, other pretty cheap for such high quality awarded brands

But was this what Senew paused on?

Why was this even sent to her door?

"Babies..." She muttered the world, settling on her tounge and.... feeling oddly misplaced.

She and Senew had never talked about kids

Well, not together really

The topic had come up a few times with family, but....with Senew it was different

She didn't know if he ever felt like a family man, or if he ever wanted to be one

She almost was afraid to ask

She didn't want this conversation to cause a problem with their relationship

Then again their relationship was a problem with all the people wanting to kill them and stuff.

"Would ....." Addolorata lost the words she wanted to say

Would she even make a good mother?

Sure, maybe Senew would be a good father, but could she be a good mother?

She had grown up with a lack of a mother her whole life, if she could even call that woman a mother

"Addolorata?" Addolorata nearly jumped out of her seat as she turned to her left, spotting Senew with dripping wet hair and a towel around his bare neck.

He was standing in his underwear, still soaked from the shower.

"You scared me! Don't do that!" She smacked the back of his head slightly, as he grabbed hold of the baby magazine.

"Baby items?...but your not pregnant..", Annabelle felt her face go red.

"I mean....well I..." Senew raised a brow, watching her fidget.

"Do....I mean...." Addolorata fumbled for an explanation, how would she even put the question?

"Addolorata?" Addolorata looked up at Senew, locking eyes as he set down the paper and leaned down to her level.

"Do you wanna have a baby with me?"

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