The whore house

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"Don't do this"

Both Addolorata and Senew stood outside a small apartment door.

Addolorata of course wouldn't allow Senew to go alone as this was his supposed ex's house.

"Make me Senew!" She barked, crossing her arms like a child and glaring up at him.

She had decided to change her clothes before heading over, of course that didn't stop her from looking even more adorable or scary.

The top was a beautiful white, given a puritan neckline, nicely buttoned with her puffy shoulders. The lace trim lined down the buttons and stopped at her waist due to the skirt that was perfectly tailored to her body. The shear over top was decorated with printed keys and the layers under it giving it the bell shape she so loved.

"Addolorata your acting like a child" Addolorata huffed, flicking her curled pigtail and twirling a strand on her finger.

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are, and that's enough of that" Senew watched her cross her arms, pouting as she stuck out her bottom lip.

"Humph!" Senew frowned, groaning loudly before knocking on the door and waiting for someone to answer.

Of course Addolorata had a different idea.

She stood on her toes, wearing a pair of black wedges with a nice gold ankle buckle on it near her ankle bone. She stuck out her hand, pressing the button many times and hearing it ring over and over again inside.

"Addolorata!" Senew slapped her hand away, grabbing hold of the other as it darted towards the button.

"Come oooooon, she probably didn't hear you!"

"I'm sure she heard you!" He hissed, gripping her wrists as she glared back at him harshly.

Suddenly the door flew open, a very pissed off brunette standing in the door way.

Both Addolorata and Senew turned and looked at her, noticing how she was in a night top of silk and a pair of black lace panties just showing from the long ish top.

"Senew....the fuck?!" Hissed the woman, whom Addolorata assumed to be Allison.

"That was her not me" Senew dropped Addolorata's wrists, standing up and slightly narrowing his eyes at Allison.

"Whatever" the woman brushed back her hair, using her hand to shake around the soft curls before motioning for them to come inside.

"Come get your shit, I already boxed it up" Senew nodded, walking in as her gaze landed on Addolorata, watching as the shorter girl was going to walk inside.

"Oh, no!" Allison stuck out her hand, stopping right in Addolorata's path to walk into the room.

"I'm sorry, but you should go find your mom or wait out here, the adults need to ta-"

"Fuck off" Allison froze, watching Addolorata flip her off before slapping her hand from her path and walking in.

"I'm...sorry?" Allison turned around, starring at Addolorata.

"You heard me Allison" stated Addolorata, looking around the apartment at some old photos of Senew still hanging up.

"Kid you honestly should watch your-"

"If your over Senew, why didn't you take down these pictures?" Allison paused, annoyed she was getting cut off but more surprised by the question.

"I'm...I'm sorry what did you ask?" Addolorata rolled her eyes, gesturing to the pictures on the wall.

"Why are these still up? I mean you both broke up didn't you?" Allison nodded slightly.

"We did....what? you saying I can't keep memories?" Addolorata sighed.

"In all honesty, keeping memories like this will just make the pain worse when the time comes that Senew breaks down into tears" Allison paused.

"I..what?" Addolorata sighed once again.

"When Senew finally finds that everything has set in, he will start to cry. I will have to consolidate him and not to mention I'm sure he will want you back. It's how all boys work" Addolorata trailed her hand over a long desk, a computer resting on it with a black out curtain over the window in front of it.

"Your like what? Twelve? Ten? How would you know? Plus what Senew feels will be worth it in the end! It'll be pay back for all the times he left me alone"

"Seventeen" muttered Addolorata, somewhat ticked off.


"I'm seventeen you whore!" Addolorata hissed, turning on her heel towards Allison.

"Whore?!" Allison was clearly shocked, stepping back against the door she had shut just after Addolorata walked in.

"I knew something was up! Your not over him! You just said that for a passionate fuck!" Accused Addolorata, storming over to Allison and jabbing her finger into the woman's chest.

"I have no clue what your talking about your brat!" Allison slapped away Addolorata's hand, not noticing how they were curling into fists.

"Oh I'm sure you do" hissed Addolorata.

"Even if I did, I doubt you do! Your just a delusional child!" Addolorata suddenly raised her fist.

"Go ahead, punch me, see what happens brat" hissed Allison, only to watch in shock as Addolorata slams her fist against her own face.

Addolorata dropped to her knees on the ground, the sound of skin against skin causing a loud sound to echo through the apartment.

"What in the hell is going on" Senew had darted from one of the back rooms, peering through the doorway in clear shock.

Addolorata was on the ground, holding her slowly bruising cheek as she began to cry, tears falling onto her skirt as she looked at Senew.

"She...she hit me!" Addolorata got up, running over to Senew and wrapping her arms around his waist as he looked up at Allison.

"Seriously?! You hit a minor?!" He hissed in shock, clearly not putting this action past the woman who left him. Allison herself looked shocked.

"She punched herself! I didn't do shit!" She stated, trying to deny the accusations.

"Why would she hit herself so hard it bruised?! Plus I heard the fighting going on in hear" Senew bent down onto his knees, removing Addolorata's hand and inspecting her cheek.

"Does it hurt when I touch it?" Addolorata nodded, still crying as Senew gingerly touched the cheek.

"Allison, you are a massive bitch" hissed Senew, glaring at the brunette who suddenly burst out in tears.

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